You Won’t Believe What Our Favorite Teachers Used to Get Away With


Back in the day, teachers seemed to have a bit more leeway when it came to classroom management and their teaching styles. It’s quite fascinating to learn how some of our favorite teachers managed to get away with their unconventional methods – many of which would likely be frowned upon today. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and uncover some of the most unbelievable stories from the classrooms of the past.

1. Dodgeball was not just a game:

What better way to release pent-up energy than a rousing game of dodgeball? Back in the day, teachers often turned to this activity as a means of controlling overly energetic students. But it wasn’t merely a game – dodgeball also served as an unconventional learning tool, with some teachers using it to teach students about gravity, force, and teamwork.

2. The art of reverse psychology:

Undoubtedly, this was one of the more subtle techniques employed by our favorite teachers. They would often make deals with their students, asserting that if they could accomplish certain tasks or achieve specific goals, they would be exempt from homework or other undesired classroom tasks. Shockingly, this method actually worked on many occasions!

3. Creativity over punishment:

Instead of sending disruptive students to detention or worse, some faculty members decided to embrace unconventional methods for maintaining order in their classrooms. These creative punishments included reciting poetry, writing essays about love and peace, and performing various small acts of kindness for classmates – all in hopes that these kind acts would positively reinforce good behavior.

4. Unannounced quizzes:

To ensure that students were paying attention – albeit through fear – teachers would often administer surprise pop quizzes. This tactic kept students on their toes and constantly engaged in the lesson since they never knew when they might be caught off-guard.

5. Extra credit with a twist:

Some innovative educators rewarded exceptional effort by giving extra credit to students who dressed up as the characters they were studying or who composed songs about historical events. This strategy not only encouraged students to learn, but also kept the classroom engaging and fun.

6. The open-door policy:

Trust was highly valued in past classrooms. Teachers would leave their doors open during lessons, providing an opportunity for students to walk out whenever they pleased. Unsurprisingly, the majority of students chose to stay in class, as this freedom made them feel respected and valued.

Looking back at these unconventional methods employed by our favorite teachers, it’s evident that teaching has come a long way. While many of these tactics may not be suitable for today’s standards, they do serve as a whimsical reminder of a time when educators could genuinely think outside the box to inspire and engage their students.

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