Who Is Charlotte Chopin, The 101-YO Yoga Instructor Who Has Taught Thousands


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In this fast-paced world reigned by unhealthy lifestyle choices, yoga acts as the catalyst bringing the body and mind together. India’s unique gift to humanity, yoga is integral to both physical and mental health.

Charlotte Chopin started practising yoga at 50, defying her age with grace and strength. Ever since she recognised its transformative power, she has made it her life’s mission to share its benefits with others.

Born on 11 December, 1922, Charlotte, a resident of Léré in Cher, in the past five decades. Now aged 101, she remains an active yoga teacher and operates a yoga studio in her hometown.

People close to her reveal that her energy is unmatchable.

She began teaching yoga in 1982 in France and is credited for creating a wave of yoga in the country. She travels across France, conducting workshops about the benefits of the ancient practice.

Her dedication and expertise even led to an invitation to showcase her yoga talents on the popular French TV show ‘France’s Got Incredible Talent’. Charlotte’s story is proof that yoga transcends all boundaries.

On 9 May, 2024, Charlotte was honoured with the , India’s fourth highest civilian award, for “defying age-limiting norms by learning yoga after turning 50”.

As the centenarian credits her health and longevity to her yoga practice, she believes that yoga can bring happiness and promote holistic well-being. Yoga has reached many parts of the world, thanks to the small contributions made by many like her.

Charlotte Chopin continues to be an inspiration for all age groups, embodying the mantra that age is just a number.

Edited by Pranita Bhat.
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