When One of Your Best Teachers is Always Late to School



Being a principal comes with an array of responsibilities, one of which is managing an efficient and harmonious school environment. An essential part of this role involves addressing the issue of teacher tardiness. When one of your best teachers is consistently late to school, it can disrupt schedules, impact student learning, and even create tension among staff members.

In this article, we’ll discuss practical ways principals can address teacher tardiness, especially when it involves highly impactful educators.

1. Approach the Situation with Empathy

Before addressing a tardiness issue, it is crucial to remember that everyone has unique situations and challenges in their lives. It’s always helpful to approach the issue with empathy and an open mind. Speak privately with the teacher, inquire if they are encountering any personal or professional difficulties, and listen attentively to their responses.

2. Be Firm yet Understanding

While empathy is essential, it’s also crucial to communicate the importance of punctuality as a professional responsibility. There may be instances where the teacher may not be aware of the negative impacts of their tardiness on students, staff, and school schedules. By providing concrete examples and explaining how their punctuality affects others, you can both open communication channels with the teacher and create an opportunity for improvement.

3. Offer Supportive Solutions

After discussing the issue and understanding the underlying reasons for tardiness, offer potential solutions that show your support as a leader. These might include adjusting work hours or offering remote teaching on specific days (if feasible). This approach demonstrates that you value their contributions as an educator while still seeking solutions that benefit the entire school community.

4. Encourage Accountability

To ensure long-term improvements in punctuality, provide regular feedback and follow-ups about their progress toward eliminating tardiness. Schedule regular check-ins with the teacher and offer specific examples where you’ve noticed improvement or witnessed continued lateness. This ongoing communication will help them understand that punctuality is a vital aspect of their commitment to the school community.

5. Create an Overall Punctuality Culture

It’s essential to remember that it’s not only about the individual teacher but also about fostering a culture of professionalism and punctuality throughout the school. Encourage all staff members, including teachers, administrators, and support staff, to strive for punctuality and hold each other accountable.

This effort can take the form of regular discussions during faculty meetings, implementing incentives or rewards for excellent attendance and punctuality, and highlighting exceptional examples among your staff as role models.


When one of your best teachers is always late to school, it can be a challenging situation for a principal. By approaching the issue with empathy, understanding, supportive solutions, and fostering a long-term sense of accountability and professionalism among all staff members, you can create a path toward consistent punctuality that benefits both the teacher and the entire school community.

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