What It’s Really Like to Teach High School In Person and Online at the Same Time


The recent global pandemic has necessitated a significant shift in the way education is delivered to students. High school teachers are navigating uncharted territory, as they juggle teaching students in person and online simultaneously. This unique situation presents various complexities and challenges that educators must grapple with daily.

Creating Inclusive Lesson Plans

Teachers are now tasked with creating lesson plans that engage both in-person and online students effectively. Achieving equal levels of interaction remains a challenge, as teachers must cater to different learning styles while maintaining structure and balance. Emphasis on accessibility and digital resources helps bridge the gap between in-person and virtual students.

Technology: A Double-Edged Sword

While technology has provided numerous tools for remote learning, it often creates obstacles for both teachers and students during class. Teachers face technological hiccups such as connection issues, software glitches, and hardware malfunctions during classes. At the same time, keeping virtual students engaged remains a challenge amidst constant distractions at home.

Balancing Workload and Mental Health

With the increased workload that comes with managing in-person and online classes simultaneously, teacher burnout has become a rising concern. Maintaining the quality of education and ensuring all students are receiving adequate attention adds stress to an already demanding profession. Teachers must find ways to care for their mental health amid this overwhelming situation.

Connecting with Students

The human connection is essential to fostering a positive learning environment. However, bonding with online students is much harder than their in-person counterparts. Teachers must utilize different strategies to connect with virtual learners – frequent check-ins, one-on-ones, or email updates – these attempts help establish rapport despite being miles apart.

Navigating Uncertainty

There’s no denying that teaching high school both in person and online simultaneously is fraught with uncertainty. Adaptability lies at the core of success during these times, as teachers learn from previous experiences and incorporate innovative ideas in their lessons to ensure maximum student engagement and learning.

In Conclusion

The dual challenge of teaching in-person and online demands remarkable resilience from educators. Teachers must develop unique strategies to balance the needs of both sets of students while maintaining their mental health. As they continue to navigate this uncharted territory, their dedication and adaptability are vital for the success of education in these unprecedented times.

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