What are 504 accommodations for ADHD?


504 accommodations for ADHD are adjustments made in the school environment that help students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to have the same opportunities for success as other students. These accommodations are part of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance, including schools.

The purpose of 504 accommodations for students with ADHD is to provide support that levels the playing field. Since ADHD can affect a student’s ability to concentrate, stay organized, complete tasks, and follow classroom routines, accommodations geared towards these challenges are often included in a 504 Plan.

Examples of 504 accommodations for ADHD may include:

1. Preferential seating: Placing a student near the teacher or away from distractions.
2. Extended time on tests and assignments: Allowing extra time to complete work at a pace suitable for the student.
3. Breaks during work: Permitting short breaks to help students regain focus.
4. Modified homework assignments: Reducing the number or complexity of tasks to meet the student’s individual needs without lowering academic standards.
5. Organizational aids: Providing tools like graphic organizers or electronic reminders to help with structure.
6. Instructional supports: Utilizing clear and concise instructions, checking for understanding, or providing written summaries of what is taught.
7. Behavioral interventions: Implementing strategies to manage behaviors that may disrupt learning.

To receive these accommodations, a student must be evaluated and deemed eligible under Section 504. If eligible, a team that usually includes teachers, parents, and other school staff develops a 504 Plan tailored to the child’s specific needs. The plan outlines how the school will address these needs without fundamentally altering the nature of the educational program.

It’s important for parents and educators to collaborate closely when creating and implementing a 504 Plan for a child with ADHD. Regular communication can ensure that accommodations remain effective and make adjustments as needed for changes in the student’s academic development.

Because ADHD manifests differently in each individual and can change over time, 504 Plans should be reviewed annually or when there is a significant change in the student’s educational placement or performance to ensure that they continue to provide appropriate support.

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