USAID Releases New Policy for Advancement of Global Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance


Staff member

Today, Administrator Samantha Power announced the launch of USAID’s new Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) Policy at a public event at the Wilson Center. This Policy provides essential guidance to all USAID staff and operating units for forging new partnerships, refining our tools, and modernizing our approaches given the global changes since USAID’s DRG Strategy was published in 2013.

Against a backdrop of sustained democratic backsliding, resurgent authoritarianism, and rapid technological change, USAID’s new DRG Policy aims to optimize our efforts to invigorate democracy, enhance human rights and justice, and bolster governance at all levels – with the goal of supporting the delivery of inclusive and sustainable development. The DRG Policy elaborates on four strategic changes: adopting a whole-of-agency approach to democratic renewal; expanding our support for democratic processes and political culture; advancing digital democracy; and elevating anti-corruption efforts.

In alignment with these four shifts, USAID will also apply four principles aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of programming. This includes through the advancement of social inclusion and gender equality; increasing locally-led development; promptly and innovatively addressing democratic crises all while seizing opportunities to promote its advancement; and ensuring that prevention and protective measures for frontline actors are mainstreamed into our programming.

The DRG Policy affirms and renews USAID’s steadfast commitment to democratic governance and human rights by outlining approaches for enhancing the effectiveness of the United States’ support for democratic development. It will serve as a foundation for advocating for adequate and strategically allocated USAID resources to preserve the United States role as a global leader in promoting democracy, human rights, and governance around the world.
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