UDISE Student Data Entry 2023 Guidelines & Schedule


Student Data Entry 2021 Guidelines & Schedule for Telangana. TS SSA Guidelines for Collection of Student U-DISE Data 2020-21. Student Data Capture Format, UDSIE Schedule, Student U-DISE Data Entry. Government of Telangana, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan School Education Department, Instructions to DEOs & POs on a collection of Student U-DISE data for the year 2019-20.

As per the Government of India mandate the information to be collected in the Student Data Capture Format of School Education Department right from pre-primary sections to higher secondary / Jr. Colleges. A tentative schedule communicating by indicating dates to conduct training programs, collection of data, verification at various levels and data entry, etc.

The entire exercise shall be completed as per the schedule as the data is very much essential for the formulation of SSA, RMSA, MDM Annual Plan and State Government Budget Plan for the year 2020-21. Communication of dates of training programs to the participants and arrangements for data entry at the district point shall be taken up well in advance to avoid last-minute confusion and delay in completion of the task.

District Collector may be requested to convene a meeting with the officials of stakeholder departments i.e., Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, BC Welfare, TSREIS, and Intermediate Education to ensure their coordination in the collection of Student U-DISE data from all the schools/colleges.

Telangana SS PD has informed to all the District Educational Officers in the state that, vide references 3rd cited the Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy Ministry of Education, GOI, New Delhi, addressed a letter to the Secretaries of the state Govt. in connection with UDISE 2020-21 data entry for all the schools for the year 2020-2021, the reference for which is 30th September 2020.

In view of the above, a copy of the date wise State and District level Tentative Calendar of Activities for U-DISE -2020-21 is communicated to all the DEOs in the state.(Schedule Enclosed) for their ready reference. Accordingly the District Educational Officers are instructed to ensure that, 100% of Student information and Teacher information to be uploaded in the Teacher info and student info application which are -already available in the website and make necessary arrangements for Data entry of school information.

Further the DEOs are informed that, instructions will be issued separately for updation of school information data along with Teacher information and student information data to be uploaded as a part of UDISE for the year 2020-21. Further, the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to make necessary arrangements for completion of the U-DISE+ data entry for 2020-21 by 15.05.2021 without fail. The DEOs are requested to ensure for providing quality data so that, it can truly reflect the status of school Education in the State, District. Block and Schools. This reference should be treated as Most Urgent and the DEOs should furnish a compliance report before the above scheduled date.

Student UDISE Data Entry

Telangana UDISE Data Entry Schedule 2021

TSSA Proc.Rc.No.3692, Dated:21/11/2017: Sub: TSSA, Hyderabad – UDISE 2019-10 – Communication of Guidelines on UDISE 2017 -18 – Certain instructions – Issued – Reg.

All the District Educational Officers and Ex-Officio Project Officers of TSSA in the State are informed that, the schedule for collection of data for UDISE 2017-18 communicating vide reference read above for taking necessary action.

Accordingly, the guidelines for collection of UDISE 2017-18 data to the field level functionaries i.e., MEOs / Complex Head Masters / Principals/ Head Masters and instructions to the District Educational Officers and Ex-Officio Project Officers are herewith enclosed.

In view of the above, they are requested to take the necessary action as per the schedule and guidelines so as to obtain correct and accurate data. They are further informed that the HMs who submit the incorrect data and the field functionaries who scrutinize the data/ persons who enter wrong data will be held responsible and action will be initiated against them as per CCA rules.

This has got the approval of Commissioner & Director of School Education & Ex-officioState Project Director Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Telangana Hyderabad.

Instructions to DEOs & EOPOson collection of U-DISEdata for the year 2019-20:

1. As per the Government of India mandate, the information is collected in the Single Data Capture Format of School Education Department right from pre-primary sections to Higher Secondary / Jr. Colleges.

2. A tentative schedule is communicated by indicating dates to conduct training programs, collection of data, verification at various levels and data entry, etc. The whole exercise shall be completed as per the schedule as the data is very much essential for the formulation of SSA/RM.SA/ MOM/Teacher Education, Annual Plan and State Government Budget Plan for the year 2018-19.

3. District Collector may be requested to convene a meeting with the officials of stakeholder departments i.e., Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, BC Welfare, TSREISand Intermediate Education to ensure their coordination in the collection of U-DISE data from all the schools/colleges

4. Communication of dates of training programs to the participants and arrangements for data entry at the district point shall be taken up well in advance to avoid last-minute confusion and delay in completion of the task.

5. The following formats have been printed j Xeroxed at district level & provided to the concerned for taking necessary action:

1. General guidelines – for supervisory/ verifying officers like DEO & EO POs, Sectoral Officers, MEOs, School Complex HMs, RIOs / DVEOs of Intermediate Education.

2. DCF consists of two parts: Part – I (Cover page to L table (Primary / Upper Primary) or Q table (High school / Jr. Colleges)

3. DCF Part-II (Supplementary variables to specific guidelines) – this part should be got printed al district level equal to the no. of schools and colleges in the disstrict and attached to DCF (Part-I) and given to the Headmasters / Principals during the training program for the collection of data.

6. A complete set (General guidelines + DCF – Part 1 and Part – II) ‘& Child Info enrolment form shall be given to supervisory officers in a booklet form./The the budget may be met from the MISand Management Cost of AWP&B 2019-20.

7. Filled in U-DISE formats shall be collected from all the schools duly verifying with the school records.

8. After collection, the U-DISE data has to be verified at the MRC level by constituting a team with CRPs / MIS Coordinators one active teacher, to ensure correct data from all institutions. The verified data formats shall be sent to the District Project Office of SSA for data entry at the identified point.

9. DEOs / RIOs shall verify the filled in DCFs at district level randomly to check the correctness of data

10. In the U-DISE format, information has to be given separately for Elementary & Secondary level. Hence No. of teachers, rooms, etc., are to be divided as per norms and furnish the information accordingly

11. Even after verification of data at various levels, certain variations were found in items like management, infrastructure, enrolment, and other facilities during 2019-20. Hence, the data shall be verified scrupulously to avoid variations as it is used for various purposes at State and national levels.

12. Data of a Mandal shall be entered at the district level only under the supervision of the concerned MEO / School Complex HM / CRP/MIS COOD/DEOS to avoid mistakes.

13. Vocational Courses Format NSQF attached to the U DISE format, to be filled where the program is implemented.

  • After entry of data, a printout of the school report card of the schools shall be taken & got it verified with original formats.
  • A minimum of 10 computers has to be arranged to complete the data entry as per schedule without any problem. Head Master high school having ICT/CA2 computers may be identified for data entry in new districts.IN respect of old districts, data entry may be taken up at Diets as a sufficient number of computers are available.
  • Separate guidelines will be issued for data entry. The budget may be met from the MIS and Management Cost

Financial Norms:

TA to the Data Entry Operators Actual Bus/Train Fare (To & Fro) Days
Honorarium to the Data Entry Operators Rs.300/- per day15
Food chargesRs. I 00/- per participant per day15
RefreshmentsRs.25/- per participant per day15
ContingencyRs.5000/- for the entire program
Honorarium for Technical PersonRs.4500/- for the entire program
The assistance of Technical person may be taken if required
Generator and fuel charges & Internet.Rs.7000/- DOJ entire program/actual 15 days whichever is less ( if required)
TA and DA to the Mandal and district verification teamsAs per TSTA Rules

Information about school, teachers and children particulars 2019-20
A) School Particulars

School Name
Type of School (PS / UPS / HS / )
Management of School (Govt. Local body / KGBV / Model / Tribal Welfare / Social Welfare / TSREIS / BC Welfare / Central Govt / Oth Govt / Aided)
Single Medium / Multi Medium schoolSingle / Multi Medium
If the school is
Single medium mention MOIMedium
Multi medium mention MOI1)Medium
2) Medium 3) Medium
School Complex Name & Complex code
Mandal Name
District Name

B) Curricular subject Staff Particulars

Teacher ID (Treasury Code)Name of the EmployeeDesignation (H.M / Teacher / VV) Mention the teaching of subjects, classes & Sections
Subjects Classes Sections

C) Co-Curricular subject Staff Particulars

Teacher ID (Treasury Code)Name of the EmployeeDesignation (Teacher / Part-Time Instructor / VV) Mention the teaching of subjects, classes & Sections
Subjects Classes Sections

TS SSA Guidelines for Student U-DISE Data Entry 2019-20 in TS Schools:

The following guidelines/format shall be got printed / Xeroxed at district level & provided to the concerned for taking necessary action:

1. General guidelines – for supervisory/verifying officers like DEOs, POs, Sectoral Officers, MEOs, School Complex HMs, RIOs / DVEOs of Intermediate Education. These guidelines shall be got Xeroxed at the district level equal to the no. of officers.

2. DCF consists of two parts: Part – I (Consisting of 35 column format in A3 size with available information of children) – this part should be got printed through software for all schools in the state.

3. DCF Part-II (specific guidelines) – this part should be got printed at the district level equal to the no. of schools in the district and attached to DCF (Part-I) and given to the Headmasters during the training program for the collection of data.

A complete set (General guidelines + DCF – Part I and Part – II) shall be given to supervisory officers in a booklet form. The budget may be met from the REMS and Management Cost of AWP&B 2016-17. The student data shall be filled as per school records.

Filled in Student U-DISE formats shall be collected from all the schools.
After collection, the Student U-DISE data has to be verified at 100% School Complex level by Complex HMs / CRPs and 20% by MEOs / MIS Coordinators to ensure correct data from all institutions.

The CRP is responsible for collection formats from school point and MIS Coordinators and Data Entry Operators are responsible for computerization of formats within time limits under the supervision of Mandal Educational Officer.

The DLMTs also made responsible for the implementation of the entire program in their division. Even after verification of data at various levels, certain variations were found in items like management, infrastructure, enrolment, and other facilities during 2015-16. Hence, the data shall be verified scrupulously to avoid variations as it is used for numerous purposes at state and national levels.

After entry of data, a printout of UDISE DCF of the schools shall be taken & got it verified. DEOs / POs / RIOs / DVEOs / DyEOs shall verify the filled in DCFs at the district level randomly to check the correctness of data.

The verified formats shall be submitted to MRC for computerization online in respect of Government schools (Primary and Upper Primary) regarding high schools, welfare schools, aided, private schools and Jr. Colleges the computerization shall be taken at their school/college points.

Tentative Calendar of Activities for UDISE 2019-20

Item of work Proposed schedule
Convergence meeting with RMSA, KGBV, TSREI, Tribal Welfare, Social Welfare, Minority Welfare, BC Welfare, Intermediate Education and Model schools officials Feb-2020
Preparation of School Directory Feb-2020
Finalization of School Directory
Conduct of workshop on the generation of UDISE PDF files along with Child-wise data Feb-2020
Printing of UDISE DCF along with Child Info Feb-2020
District MIS Coordinators orientation program of U-DISE 2017-18 (Data Capture Format of UDISE and Student-DCF) and Distribution of UDISE DCFs to 31 districts at State level Feb-2020
Training to MEOs, MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators and School Complex HMs on U-DISE DCF and distribution of printed DCFs Feb-2020
Training to CRPs and Headmasters of all schools (Govt. & Private) and Principals of Junior Colleges on U-DISE, Instructions for filling/ Scrutiny/Cross-checking Feb-2020
Video Conference with District Officials and MEOs on Student DCF 2017-18 Feb-2020
Filling up of Data Capture Formats by school HMs Feb-2020
Scrutiny and cross-checking of 100% Student DCFs at School Complex Level by School Complex HM and CRP Feb-2020
Sending filled-in, verified Student-DCF from the school complex to Mandal level Feb-2020
Scrutiny and Cross-checking of DCF by MRC level – 25% and District level officers – 5 schools from each Block (all in different clusters) Feb-2020
Data Entry (from Block/District) based on UDISE-DCF.Feb-2020
Sharing of U-DISE Report with BRC official before accepting the data at the district level.March 2020
Merging of all blocks, consistency checking and Report generation at the district level
Removal of errors/discrepancies and printing of school report card and submission of data at the state levelMarch 2020
Merging of districts data, consistency checking and Report Generation& Data Validation by State Team and generation of Planning data tablesMarch 2020
Distribution of School Report Cards to all CRCs and further distribution to Schools Carrying out Jan-Vaachan of U- DISE data on selected indicators. Putting School Report Card in poster form (Flex of 3.5×2.5 feet) on School’s Notice Board, SMC Office & PanchayatMarch 2020
Before submission of data at the National level. (The activities to achieve the above objectives may include: Check consistencies and get data validated, report generation & sharing of reports with District officials)March 2020
Submission of Consistent and error-free data to the MHRD and NUEPA, New Delhi.Last week of March 2002

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