To Improve Kids’ Mental Health, Some Schools Start Later



The importance of mental health in children has become a central topic of discussion for parents, educators, and policymakers. As research continues to shed light on the factors affecting our kids’ mental well-being, many schools have started implementing innovative approaches to provide a more supportive environment for students. One such strategy involves starting school later to help combat stress and anxiety in children.

The Science Behind Late School Starts:

A growing body of research highlights the significance of sleep in maintaining good mental health. Extensive studies have showcased the benefits of better sleep patterns, especially among teenagers.

During adolescence, there are significant changes in the body’s internal clock, making it difficult for teenagers to fall asleep early. Starting school later allows their biological clocks to align more closely with academic schedules, providing them with much-needed restorative sleep.

Benefits of Late School Starts:

1. Improved mental health: Delaying school start times has been associated with reduced anxiety and depression levels. Adequate sleep helps regulate emotional responses and reduces mood swings that are often seen in teenagers.

2. Enhanced academic performance: Higher-quality sleep leads to better cognitive function, increased attention span, and improved problem-solving abilities, ultimately resulting in higher grades and test scores.

3. Reduced tardiness and absences: With late start times, students find it easier to arrive at school on time and show reduced rates of absenteeism.

4. Increased alertness: High school students who get enough sleep are more alert during morning classes when compared to their exhausted peers who start school early.

5. Better physical health: Sufficient sleep is essential for improved immune system function as well as reduced risk of conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Challenges and Solutions:

Despite these advantages, implementing later start times may also present challenges such as logistical issues involving transportation and accommodating after-school activities.

By collaborating with local community members and transportation providers, schools can devise alternative plans to ensure minimal disruption to daily schedules. Additionally, after-school activities can be restructured or rescheduled to accommodate the changed school timings.


As more schools continue to explore innovative approaches for promoting children’s mental health, starting school later emerges as a promising strategy supported by scientific evidence. By adapting to students’ natural sleep patterns, we can provide them with a more conducive atmosphere for better mental health and overall development.

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