Producer Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg teamed up and announced the biopic of former Indian cricket captain Sourav Ganguly in September 2021. Since then, various actors have been approached to play the legendary cricketer but things didn’t materialize.
Now, the latest reports suggest that the biographical drama is back on track, and pre-production has already started. It is said that the makers are in advanced talks with the supremely talented actor Ayushmann Khurana to headline the project.
Ayushmann, who has wooed audiences with a variety of roles, has reportedly been in talks for this much-awaited biopic for several months and it’s only a matter of some formalities before he is officially signed on for the role. The actor will undergo months of extensive cricket training before starting the shoot by the end of this year.
Tamil filmmaker Aishwarya Rajinikanth is expected to direct this sports biopic after Vikramaditya Motwane, who was supposed to direct it, turned down the opportunity for unknown reasons.
Now, the latest reports suggest that the biographical drama is back on track, and pre-production has already started. It is said that the makers are in advanced talks with the supremely talented actor Ayushmann Khurana to headline the project.
Ayushmann, who has wooed audiences with a variety of roles, has reportedly been in talks for this much-awaited biopic for several months and it’s only a matter of some formalities before he is officially signed on for the role. The actor will undergo months of extensive cricket training before starting the shoot by the end of this year.
Tamil filmmaker Aishwarya Rajinikanth is expected to direct this sports biopic after Vikramaditya Motwane, who was supposed to direct it, turned down the opportunity for unknown reasons.