The College Attendance Gap Between Whites and Minorities is Getting Worse


In the United States, the higher education system has long been held as the key to upward socio-economic mobility. However, a significant disparity between college attendance rates of whites and minorities is a prevailing concern in the country. Studies suggest that the gap is getting worse instead of closing over time.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, as of 2018, only 42% of Hispanic and 35% of Black Americans aged 18 to 24 were enrolled in college, as opposed to 56% of Whites. Furthermore, in the fall of 2017, the gap between entry rates of White and Black students was 21%, up from 16% in 1996. Similarly, the gap between the entry rates of White and Hispanic students was 24% in 2017, up from 13% in 1996.

Various factors are contributing to this growing gap. Firstly, the disparities in pre-college education for minority students are significant, with fewer resources in poorly-funded schools, and higher dropout rates leaving them less prepared for college. These students do not often have access to tutoring or advanced placement classes, leading to lowered proficiency in mathematics and reading.

Secondly, minority students are more likely to come from low-income families that cannot afford the high costs associated with college attendance. The cost of college is increasing faster than the rate of inflation, and the student debt burden is relatively higher in these communities. Even with financial aid, minority students are more likely to need to work a part-time job and often cannot afford to take unpaid internships or participate in extracurricular activities that would otherwise enhance their college applications.

Lastly, strains from negative social factors make it difficult for minority students to stay the course once they have enrolled in college. Minority students may face institutional racism, social injustices, and may feel alienated in predominantly white academic institutions. This isolation can lead to feelings of discouragement or lack of motivation to continue with their studies.

The consequences of this growing gap are severe. By 2045, non-Whites in the United States will become the majority, and the country will be greatly disadvantaged if it fails to address the educational disparity gap between racial groups. Lower college attendance rates among black and Hispanic students can be seen as a significant contributor to the income gap in the United States, perpetuating the cycles of poverty that have affected these communities for generations.

In conclusion, while possible solutions to this issue may involve better funding for poorly funded schools, providing increased financial aid options and grants for minority students, and supporting mentoring programs, it is essential to address systemic inequities to create a more inclusive higher education system. Efforts should concentrate on providing equal and accessible opportunities for wealthy and non-wealthy students to enroll, succeed, and graduate college, regardless of race. Unless action is taken, the gap between minority and white college attendance will continue to widen, resulting in dire implications for the U.S. economy and society as a whole.

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