Teaching Students About Third-Person Present Verb


Understanding and mastering the use of third-person present verb forms is crucial for students as they develop their writing and speaking skills in English. These verbs typically refer to singular subjects, excluding the speaker and the person being addressed, with actions taking place in the present. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for teaching students about third-person present verb forms and how to integrate these skills seamlessly into their linguistic toolbox.

Identify and Explain the Concept

Start by explaining what third-person present verbs are and why they are important. Clarify that these verbs refer to single entities that are neither the speaker nor the addressee. Use simple sentences to illustrate this concept:

– He reads a book.

– She brushes her teeth.

– It rains heavily.

Highlight Rules and Regular Forms

Teach students about regular third-person present verb forms by adding an “-s” to most verbs:

– play -> plays

– work -> works

– talk -> talks

Stress that vowel and consonant combinations also change the ending of some regular verbs:

– watch -> watches

– study -> studies

– fix -> fixes

Address Common Irregular Verbs

Don’t forget to teach students about commonly used irregular third-person present verbs like “have,” “do,” and “be.” Provide ample examples:

– have -> has: She has three cats.

– do -> does: He does his homework.

– be (am/is/are) -> is: The dog is happy.

Practice with Example Sentences

Incorporate a variety of activities that ask students to practice conjugating third-person present verbs correctly. You can use sentence completion exercises, gap-filling tasks, or sentence transformation activities. For example:

– She (jog) ________ every morning.

– The sun (shine) ________ brightly today.

Introduce subject pronouns

Teaching students how to use subject pronouns (he, she, and it) can further enhance their understanding of third-person present verbs. Provide exercises where they must select the appropriate pronoun in conjunction with the verb form:

– _____ (he/she/it) meets his friends at the park.

Encourage Real-life Applications

Allow students to practice third-person present verb use in writing and speaking activities. These can include giving presentations, participating in debates, or writing journal entries or essays on various topics.

Regular Feedback and Reinforcement

Make sure to provide continuous feedback on student’s progress and identify areas for improvement. Encourage them to incorporate third-person present verbs into their daily conversations and writings to reinforce what they’ve learned.

In conclusion, teaching students about third-person present verb forms can significantly enhance their language skills. By providing clear explanations, highlighting rules, offering ample practice opportunities, and encouraging real-life application, educators can cultivate a solid foundation for their students’ English language development.

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