Teaching Students About Pre-Conventional Learning


Teaching students about pre-conventional learning is essential to understanding their moral behavior and instilling a strong foundation for ethical decision-making. As educators of K-12 students, it is our responsibility to familiarize ourselves with this concept and apply effective teaching methods to positively influence our students’ moral development.

Pre-conventional learning is the first stage of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. At this level, children usually base their decisions on external factors, such as rewards and punishments, rather than internal moral values. This stage consists of two sub-stages:

1. Obedience and Punishment Orientation: In this sub-stage, children make decisions based on the desire to avoid punishment from authority figures. For example, a student may choose not to cheat in an exam primarily because they fear the consequences of getting caught.

2. Individualism and Exchange: Students in this sub-stage consider the outcomes that their actions will have on themselves. They engage in actions that benefit them directly, even if it conflicts with societal norms or values.

As K-12 teachers, we must adopt strategies that encourage students to progress beyond pre-conventional learning toward higher levels of moral reasoning. Here are three practical approaches:

1. Encourage Reflection: Give your students the opportunity to reflect on their choices and actions by asking open-ended questions that promote self-awareness and evaluation. For instance, you could ask them to describe how they would feel if they were in someone else’s shoes or how their actions might affect others around them.

2. Facilitate Group Discussions: Peer interactions can help students explore different perspectives and foster more advanced moral thinking. Organize group discussions where students can debate moral dilemmas and exchange ideas on how they would handle certain situations.

3. Emphasize Values: Rather than imposing rules on your students, take time to explain the reasons behind these rules and the values they represent. Help students appreciate the importance of treating others with respect, being honest, and showing empathy, so they will internalize these principles as their own.

Teaching pre-conventional students is a rewarding challenge for K-12 teachers. By understanding this stage in moral development and incorporating these strategies in our classrooms, we can nurture ethical decision-making in our students and guide them toward becoming morally responsible citizens.

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