Teaching Students About Knight’s Pages


The medieval era is an enchanting part of history that often captures the imagination of students. Among the various elements of this time period, knights and their squires, known as pages, hold a special fascination. In this article, we will explore how teachers can create an informative and engaging lesson plan about knight’s pages to better educate students on these historical figures.

Understanding the Role of a Knight’s Page:

Before diving into the lesson, it’s crucial for educators to have a firm grasp of what a page was during the medieval era. At a young age, usually around 7 years old, boys from noble families would begin their journey to becoming knights by serving as pages. They would leave their homes and reside in the castles of their lords or knights for tutelage and training.

Pages essentially served as apprentices, learning various skills necessary for knighthood such as horsemanship, hunting, and falconry. Additionally, they were educated in languages, etiquette, religion, singing, dancing, and playing instruments.

Creating an Engaging Lesson Plan:

1. Begin by presenting historical context:

Help your students visualize the medieval times by providing them with a clear understanding of castles, lords, vassals, and the hierarchical structure that dictated relationships during that era.

2. Walk through the daily life of a page:

Describe a typical day in a page’s life by focusing on their duties, including assisting knights with weapons and armor, taking care of horses, delivering messages or running errands during battles or tournaments.

3. Discuss other important aspects of being a page:

Talk about the significance of chivalry during the medieval era and how it shaped the mindset and behavior of knights and pages alike.

4. Use multimedia resources:

Incorporate videos showcasing reenactments or documentaries related to knighthood and knight’s pages to help students gain visual insights into their lives.

5. Group activities:

Design age-appropriate activities like role-playing, discussions, or debates that encourage students to see things from the perspective of a page.

6. In-class projects or assignments:

Assign research tasks to help students explore specific aspects of a page’s life in depth. They can produce their conclusions as posters, PowerPoint presentations, or brochures to share with the class.

7. Field trips:

If resources and accessibility allow, take your students on a field trip to a local museum or historical site that displays medieval artifacts and exhibits related to knighthood.


The life of a knight’s page is an essential part of understanding medieval society and European history at large. By creating an engaging and interactive lesson plan, you can offer your students a deeper understanding of this unique time period while sparking their curiosity and enthusiasm for history as a whole.

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