Teaching Students About Anthony Johnson


Teaching about the life of Anthony Johnson provides a unique and eye-opening view of early American history. Contrary to the popular narrative, Anthony Johnson, a black man, was one of the first legal slave owners in America. He played a significant role in the early colonial Chesapeake society of the 1600s. To better understand the social complexities of that time and the evolution of racial inequality, it is important to include Anthony Johnson’s story in our history lessons.

Anthony Johnson’s Early Life and Journey to America

Anthony Johnson was born in Angola, Africa around 1600. He was captured and sailed by British merchants to Virginia in 1621 as an enslaved laborer. Being among the first Africans to be brought to English colonies in North America, he had no legal rights and had little hope of attaining freedom.

Gain Freedom and Life as a Free Man

In 1625, a census taken in Virginia revealed that Johnson’s status had changed from an enslaved worker to a free man. By working hard on tobacco farms and paying off his indenture, he earned his freedom. This was an exceptional occurrence during a time when racial discrimination was rampant.

As a free man, Anthony Johnson married Mary, an African woman who also gained her freedom. Together they built a successful tobacco farm on land granted by the Virginia government, called Johnson’s Manor. They had four children who also eventually gained their freedom as adults.

Becoming a Slave Owner and Legal Battle

During his time as a free landowner, Anthony Johnson began holding enslaved workers himself – both white indentured Europeans and black people – who lived and worked on his farm. When one of his slaves named John Casor fought for release at the end of his indentured term, Johnson successfully argued that Casor should be considered “property” rather than an indentured servant, making him a lifelong slave. This 1655 court decision marked the beginning of legalized slavery in America.

Teaching the Significance of Anthony Johnson’s Story

Discussing Anthony Johnson’s story in class helps students understand that:

1. The institution of slavery was not static but evolved over time.

2. Many African Americans were able to achieve some level of social and economic prominence during the early colonial period.

3. Recognizing the role black individuals played in shaping American society is essential for promoting a balanced and nuanced understanding of history.

Incorporating his life story into our curriculum reveals the complexities and contradictions within early American society. By fostering discussions about how race relations, social status, and economic power intertwined, students develop a deeper comprehension of the historical context that shaped modern America.

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