Teaching Students About American Renaissance Literature


American Renaissance Literature, also known as the American Romantic Period, refers to the exceptional literary and cultural productions of the mid-19th century. Several major writers contributed to this period, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe, and Henry David Thoreau. Their works have significantly influenced American culture and thought. This article aims to provide teachers with guidance on how to teach students about American Renaissance literature effectively.

1. Establish historical context:

Begin your lessons by talking about the historical backdrop of the American Renaissance period. Key events such as the Industrial Revolution, Manifest Destiny, Transcendentalism movement, and abolitionist movements were influential factors that shaped the literary works of this time.

2. Introduce prominent authors and their works:

Provide a brief overview of each of the major authors mentioned above. Focus on their significant works like ‘Leaves of Grass’ by Walt Whitman, ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne or ‘Walden’ by Henry David Thoreau. You can also include lesser-known writers from diverse backgrounds such as Margaret Fuller, Phillis Wheatley, or Frederick Douglass to offer students a broader understanding of the literary landscape during this period.

3. Highlight themes and characteristics:

One main theme present in many of these works is individualism versus societal norms. Furthermore, romanticism gave rise to a focus on emotions, nature, intuition, and vivid imagination. Discuss common themes and characteristics that define American Renaissance literature with your students.

4. Create engaging activities

Encourage critical thinking by assigning projects such as researching specific authors and their influences, comparing two different pieces from the same author or different authors from this period; creating presentations or written assignments analyzing themes; or character development within selected works.

5. Encourage creative writing based on American Renaissance themes:

To capture the essence of American Renaissance literature, have your students compose poems or short stories that incorporate the themes and characteristics observed in the literary works from this period.

6. Organize book clubs or discussion groups:

Create small reading groups where students can engage with and discuss specific titles from the authors studied, with guidance on how to analyze plot development, character evolution, and thematic content.

7. Visit relevant historic sites or host guest speakers:

If possible, arrange field trips to historical sites associated with these authors or schedule guest lectures by experts focusing on this period to provide context and deepen students’ understanding of the American Renaissance.


Teaching American Renaissance literature can ignite a passion for literature in your students by acquainting them with seminal works that have shaped American thought and culture. By using these guidelines, you will provide them with a well-rounded exploration of this influential period, stimulating their creativity as well as developing their critical thinking and analytical skills.

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