Jabardasth comedian turned hero Sudigali Sudheer’s recently launched movie now has a striking title. The film is titled G.O.A.T. – Greatest Of All Time. The makers have just released a special poster to reveal the title and the first look on the occasion of Sudheer’s birthday.
G.O.A.T. has young actress Divya Bharti playing the female lead. The film’s regular shoot is currently underway in full swing in Hyderabad. The makers are confident that the film’s unique concept will strike a chord with the audience.
G.O.A.T. is being directed by Naresh Kuppili who had earlier directed Vishwak Sen’s Paagal and produced by Chandra Shekhar Reddy Mogulla and Bekkam Venugopal under the banners Maharaja Creations and Lucky Media respectively. Leon James is the music composer.
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