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Education of The Modern Era: The Power Couple of Pedagogy and Their Truly Inspirational Saga.

When you first meet the educationalist couple Dr. Manimekalai Mohan and Mr. S Mohandoss of SSVM Group of Institutions, Coimbatore, one thing that strikes is their uncanny and innate ability to inspire others. In the world of school education, especially in the Southern part of India, the journey of Dr. Manimekalai Mohan and Mr. Mohandoss is exceptional in many ways, a partnership that has transformed countless students’ lives with a lasting influence on their careers and individual growth.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please meet Dr. Manimekalai Mohan and her husband, Mr. Mohandoss. In the following question and answer session, they shall take us down their memory lane and share inspiring anecdotes about their journey.

How did the idea of stepping into education strike you?

Dr. Manimekalai: The idea of stepping into education and starting a school was inspired by the need for quality education, the dire need for the most effective educational philosophy or approach, and to meet the learning needs of the student community. We got married in 1996, and as a couple, we understand each other’s lives; and we believe healthy relationships require two-way communication. I also believe that girls and boys should be given equal opportunity, respect, and rights. A lack of understanding, poor communication, and an inflated ego can affect every aspect of your life. My husband and I hold similar views, which makes me feel fortunate.

The school’s Trustee, Mr. Mohandoss, contributes a similar narrative, recounting how their qualifications contributed to its conception. While Dr. Manimekalai is an expert in Rehabilitation Science, Mr. Mohandoss is an MBA. Their unique level of academic excellence led and assisted them in entering the field of school education.

What interested you in working in the education field?

Dr. Manimekalai: We are driven by a deep-seated passion for education, with a genuine desire to make a positive impact on learners’ lives. Our qualifications, skills, and expertise made us think of doing something for the student community. As a young couple, we wanted to bring quality education to the Coimbatore district. We then started Shree Saraswathi Vidhyaah Mandheer (SSVM) in Mettupalayam with just 25 children on rented premises in 1998.

Mr. Mohandoss: Coimbatore has always been an industrial hub, and we both shared the vision to make this city an epicentre of school education. When we proposed creating schools that offer holistic education 25 years ago, it was meted out with a cold attitude at the initial stages. Our interest in working in the education field stems from our passion for learning and a deep belief in the power of education to transform lives. Our vision, however, became a reality with the support of strong educators who believed in our dreams. We are inspired by the role of education in fostering positive social change and shaping future generations.

How does your knowledge and experience in the education field influence your partner working in the same field and vice-versa?

Dr. Manimekalai: It is a blessing to have a knowledgeable and well-informed life partner. The whole trajectory of education has changed dramatically in the last decade, and there are multiple curriculums. Parents insist on their children’s overall development, not just academic excellence. My husband is the first person I reach out to for implementing any creative idea, making administrative decisions, etc. Our shared passion for education serves as a foundation for our collaborative efforts, allowing us to work together effectively toward our shared goals.

Mr. Mohandoss: Our relationship has grown strength-to-strength over the years. I appreciate her risk-taking nature while I approach each challenge with caution. She is also open to discussing pros and cons before making decisions, and we weigh different scenarios to strike the right work-life balance. Precisely, our mutual knowledge and experience in the education field influence how my wife and I work in the same field, enhancing our ability to lead our schools, foster innovation, and create a positive impact on our students, faculty, and community.

In what ways is she or he your pillar of strength?

Dr. Manimekalai: In many ways, he is my strength. I value his advice and perception and sincerely appreciate how he treats every student, staff, and faculty member with dignity and respect. My husband brings unique skills, expertise, and perspectives to the table, which complement my own. This allows us to collaborate effectively, leverage our strengths and address various aspects of school management.

Mr. Mohandoss: My wife and founder of SSVM Group of Institutions, Dr. Manimekalai practices inspirational values and ethics. We discuss ideas, challenges, and opportunities together, and jointly make decisions that impact the school. She calls a spade a spade, and she is a straight shooter. She is truly an inspiration for career-oriented women and has proved that anything is possible with dedicated work and consistency. With her insights, perspectives, and critical thinking skills, she helps us navigate complex situations with confidence, enabling us to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively. The support she provides to our schools are invaluable and contributes greatly to the success and well-being of our institutions.

What unique challenges do you face daily as your personal and professional lives are deeply intertwined?

Dr. Manimekalai: Challenges in balancing leadership and partnership roles are part and parcel of life, and we try our best not to mix personal and professional lives while figuring out answers. Most daily tasks are related to the school’s administration, introducing the latest infrastructure, and developing new ideas for creating the finest institutes under the group.

Mr. Mohandoss: From the very beginning of our marriage, we both consciously decided not to let our professional lives be influenced by our personal choices. We may sometimes agree or disagree with each other, but there is no doubt all decisions are made in the best interests of students, faculty, and our schools.

How does your partner support you in dealing with daily challenges?

Dr. Manimekalai: Though we have not earmarked our duties, we share the workload mutually. While I take care of interactions with students, teachers, and parents and ensure the smooth functioning of classes with academic excellence, optimal use of resources, and the safety and well-being of every student, my husband handles finance, accounts, land development, branding, liaising, infrastructure, and maintenance. His support means a lot to our SSVM community.

Mr. Mohandoss: Dr. Manimekalai enjoys the responsibility of completing school operations with a holistic approach which is her dream, and she can devise an ideal solution to any challenge in a jiffy. She thinks outside the box and executes any task flawlessly. It comes with extensive patience, perseverance, and persistent efforts toward making SSVM Group a world-class educational institution.

Being in the same profession exposes you to differences of opinion; how do you cope with them?

Dr. Manimekalai
: In my view, it is more about different ideas coming in than differences of opinion. As potential solutions, we share diverse ideas and proposals that share our viewpoints and vision. We collaboratively contribute to healthy discussions and foster innovation and progress.

Mr. Mohandoss: I agree with what my wife said. We respect each other’s perspectives, discuss several topics, reach a conclusion, and move forward. We count on positive resolutions at the end of our collaborative discussions.

Maintaining a balance between work and home may get difficult at times for the husband and wife. So how do you manage the same?

Dr. Manimekalai:
Multi-tasking comes naturally to women, and I was raised to execute various tasks flawlessly. Luckily, my husband comes from a progressive family background, and close-knit, extended families often support us. They always pitch in with help whenever required.

Mr. Mohandoss: Coimbatore is a cosmopolitan city, and we are blessed with a fantastic family and friends’ circle. We plan our day carefully and try to stick to the schedule. We take small breaks from work to avoid monotony. Vacations and visits to favourite places reduce stress and make us work better.

Describe one specific quality in your partner you wish you had and why?

Dr. Manimekalai
: He is a true visionary and can execute any plan without hassle. He does not get overwhelmed so quickly, even in the most challenging situations. I am still learning to stay ‘cool’ when unique challenges knock on our doors.

Mr. Mohandoss: I admire my wife’s willingness to give students, faculties, and Parents a patient hearing and come up with the right solution. She is like a treasure trove of unique ideas and has an answer to everything.

How do you motivate each other in times of crisis?

Dr. Manimekalai: We discuss and analyse various scenarios that might have caused the crisis. As I said earlier, communication is the key, and constructive discussion will lead us toward the right solution. It is normal to encounter various problems while managing many schools offering multiple curriculums. Every day is different, and we reach out to each other to find a resolution that works for the group.

Mr. Mohandoss: Running a group of educational institutions, especially for children, is challenging. We are responsible for each child’s future and accountable to parents. In tough times, we seek each other’s advice, discuss dos, and don’ts, and plan accordingly. The trust we have in each other drives us forward.

A message for couples who work in the same profession?

Dr. Manimekalai: Please leave your professional commitments at your workspace and come home for your family. It is normal to have daily conversations revolving around work, especially if the couple is in the same profession. But with minimal and conscious effort, it is possible to avoid professional discussions at home, and you can genuinely be affectionate towards one another.

Mr. Mohandoss: Your professional workspace differs from your personal environment. Do not wear that chip on your shoulder and seek validation from your partner. Your partner is also equally qualified as you, and she deserves immense respect.

When you enter the house, the work stays at the door, as you have other things to pay attention to. Do you live by this policy? If yes, how do you make it possible?

Dr. Manimekalai:
As I mentioned, there should be a clear distinction between professional and personal lives. We love spending time with our only daughter and close friends and family. We love reading books together, watching meaningful movies, and spending quality time away from work.

Mr. Mohandoss: We are fully committed to our family and friends. We share equal interests in spirituality and societal matters and are committed to giving back to society. Our conversations often revolve around books, movies, and travel. We, as a couple, value simple moments in life, like drinking morning coffee together, listening to favourite music or going on a short vacation. These mantras rejuvenate any couple’s relationship.

What would be your success mantra to perfect this combination of personal and professional partnership?

Dr. Manimekalai:

• Be patient and listen.

• Do not rush to a conclusion immediately; let the relationship grow from strength to strength.

• Avoid unnecessary arguments, as it never helps.

• Avoid work-related conversations at home and seek happiness in life’s simple


• Make it a point to complement each other at every juncture in life.

Mr. Mohandoss:

• Be mindful that your professional and personal lives are different entities.

• Accept and appreciate your life partner’s efforts to improve your life.

• Refrain from getting overwhelmed by challenges; instead, work together toward

finding positive solutions.

• Keep your family and friends close to your heart.

• Trust one another and give back to your community generously.

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