Pune: In wake of the rainfall warning issued by the Regional Meteorological Centre in Pune district on July 9, Collector Dr Suhas Diwase has announced that all schools up to class 12 will remain closed on Tuesday, July 9 to avoid any untoward incidents and emergencies affecting schools. School staff, including principals, teachers, and non-teaching personnel, have been directed to report to school during office hours to support disaster management efforts coordinated by the local administration.
The Collector has also advised citizens to exercise caution, avoid engaging in tourist activities at waterfalls, and venture out only when necessary to ensure their safety. The India Meteorological Department(IMD) has issued a red alert for Mumbai, predicting heavy to very heavy rainfall in the city. Schools and colleges in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Panvel as well as rural parts of Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg will remain shut on Tuesday due to a ‘red alert’ issued by India Meteorological Department for these areas, an official said, PTI reported.
The decision applies to primary and secondary schools as well as junior and senior colleges, he said, adding that civic bodies such as Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, TMC, and those in Panvel and Navi Mumbai have issued notifications regarding the closure. It is to be noted that the government and private schools and colleges have been closed as a precautionary measure due to the heavy rainfall warning issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD).
The Collector has also advised citizens to exercise caution, avoid engaging in tourist activities at waterfalls, and venture out only when necessary to ensure their safety. The India Meteorological Department(IMD) has issued a red alert for Mumbai, predicting heavy to very heavy rainfall in the city. Schools and colleges in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Panvel as well as rural parts of Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg will remain shut on Tuesday due to a ‘red alert’ issued by India Meteorological Department for these areas, an official said, PTI reported.
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a Red Alert for Mumbai.
In view of this, all schools and colleges in Mumbai have been declared a holiday for tomorrow Tuesday, 9th July 2024, in consideration of the safety of students.
The Brihanmumbai Municipal…
— माझी Mumbai, आपली BMC (@mybmc)
The decision applies to primary and secondary schools as well as junior and senior colleges, he said, adding that civic bodies such as Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, TMC, and those in Panvel and Navi Mumbai have issued notifications regarding the closure. It is to be noted that the government and private schools and colleges have been closed as a precautionary measure due to the heavy rainfall warning issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD).