SCERT Telangana Class 8 Textbooks 2024 download medium wise all subjects from here


SCERT Telangana 8th Class Textbooks 2024 or SCERT Telangana Class 8 Textbooks download medium wise all subjects from here.

SCERT Telangana has uploaded the new 8th Class Subject wise, Medium wise eTextbooks in PDF Format on its official website. Download SCERT Telangana 8th Class PDF e-Textbooks from here.

8th Class English Textbook: This textbook, “Our World through English” class VIII, is an integrated one in the sense it has The Main Reader component, The Supplementary Reader component and The Workbook component interwoven into a single textbook. Hence, these components are found in each and every unit.

The language skills like listening, speaking, reading, and writing are integrated in the larger context of the themes as suggested in NCF 2005. The activities are so designed as to ensure the holistic treatment of language.

Inclusion of Gender Sensitivity and Child Sexual Abuse in published by School Education Department with support of UNICEF is taken up to ensure protection of children through various interventions like personal safety rules, gender sensitivity, child sexual abuse, self esteem and life skills.

In these areas safety mechanisms and laws related to child protection are taken care of. Hence, the teachers must know about these things and bring awareness among all the stakeholders.

The main aim of teaching English is to help learners evolve themselves as independent users of English. I hope this textbook will help teachers and students achieve this by making the teaching-learning process effective.

SCERT Telangana Class 8 Textbooks 2021

SCERT Telangana Class 8 Textbooks 2024
Name of the booksSCERT Telangana Class 8 Textbooks 2024
TitleDownload SCERT Telangana 8th Class Textbooks 2024
SubjectSCERT has uploaded Telangana 8th Class Textbooks 2024 on its portal
Class8th Class
SubjectsAll subjects
TS SCERT 8th Class Textbooks 2024

Features of the 8th Class English Textbook:​

Units are thematically organized with passages meant for listening and reading. Activities focus on reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and study skills.

Measures have been taken to help learners get the rules familiarised with different genres such as narratives, essays, biographical sketches, plays, poems, etc. and construct them in oral as well as written forms.

Though the components in a unit have been organised as listening, speaking (oral activity), reading and writing, an integrated treatment of these skills has been worked out. Vocabulary and grammar exercises have been contextually designed.

A few questions and activities, given under comprehension, do not target any fixed responses; instead, they demand the learners to use language authentically both orally and in writing.

These comprehension questions and the language activities are merely stepping stones for the learners to gain proficiency in the language and as such are not goals by themselves.

8th Class Mathematics Textbook:​

The syllabus and material must be aligned to the national and state perspective on mathematics education and prepare our students with a strong base in mathematics and science without burdening them with too much information and/or memorization.

The strength of a nation lies in its commitment and capacity to prepare its people to meet the needs and aspirations of a progressive technological society.

The need therefore is to prepare students who understand concepts, can learn on their own using textbooks and other materials as well as through interactions with colleagues and life situations.

SCERT Telangana 8th Class Textbooks 2024​

First LanguageSecond Language
Urdu ( )
8th Class First Language Textbooks 2024
First LanguageSecond Language
8th Class Second Language Textbooks 2024

8th Class Mathematics Textbooks 2024​

Medium8th Class Maths Textbook
English & Telugu
English & Telugu
8th Class Mathematics Textbooks 2024

8th Class Physical Science Textbooks 2024​

Medium8th Class Physical Science Textbook
English & Telugu
English & Telugu
8th Class Physical Science Textbooks 2024

8th Class Biological Science Textbooks 2024​

Medium8th Class Biological Science Textbook
English & Telugu
English & Telugu
8th Class Biological Science Textbooks 2024

8th Class Social Textbooks 2024

Medium8th Class Social Textbook
English & Telugu
English & Telugu
8th Class Social Textbooks 2024

The syllabus in mathematics for three stages i.e. primary, upper primary and secondary is based on structured and spiral approaches.

The teachers of secondary school mathematics have to look at the syllabus of classes 8 to 10 with this background. They must widen and deepen the understanding and application of concepts learnt by pupils in primary and upper primary stages.

The syllabus of upper primary classes is based on the structural approach, laying emphasis on the discovery and understanding of basic mathematical concepts and generalizations.

The text book has been written on the basis of curriculum. It has emerged after a thorough review of the previous books and books of equivalent states.

The approach in curriculum, the syllabus, textbooks and hence in classroom processes is to encourage the pupils to participate, discuss and take an active part in the classroom processes.

Being the final stage of the elementary education, mathematics of class 8 is a bridge to mathematics of class 9 which deals with abstraction and more complex mathematical ideas and moving into beginning of formal mathematics.

The textbook attempts to give ample opportunities and space for children to engage in tasks and attempt problems based on the concepts included in the syllabus.

For instance tasks like ‘Do this’ and ‘Try this’ have been included in between that involves thinking, reflecting and doing. The teacher and the students are supposed to pause and do these before moving forward and only give support, if needed.

The chapters are arranged in a spiral manner that children revisit each set of concepts of different areas at different times in the course of the year.

The syllabus has been divided broadly into six areas namely, (1) Number System (2) Algebra (3) Arithmetic (4) Geometry (5) Mensuration and (6) Data Handling.

Description of the chapters: There are three chapters related to numbers and their properties. The chapter on rational numbers engages with problems dealing with multiplication and division operations on rational numbers. It also generalizes the properties of numbers to include rational numbers.

There are four chapters focusing on operations and properties of algebraic expressions and equations to build a base for operations on linear equations with one or more variable.

Children will learn to use graphs to analyze the nature of changes in quantities in linear relationships as well as solve contextualized problems represented in the form of tables and equations. In this way children would be able to identify quantitative relationships among variables and constants using mathematical models.

There are two chapters that relate to ratio and proportion and their application. In these the students engage with problems involving comparison of quantities using proportion like percentage, profit and loss, discount, tax, simple and compound interest.

These chapters although distinct in the quantities that they use, are conceptually interrelated. They build on each other and hence can be used in a spiral manner to build an understanding of comparing quantities.

Children learn about geometrical figures and patterns at an early stage. Now they have to learn to give a logical explanation for relationships in the frame of an argument.

To understand the relationship between geometrical figures children have been introduced to the construction of geometrical figures with the help of some operations and their properties.

In mensuration, two chapters deal with the areas of plane figures and the surface areas and volumes of 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional objects. Areas of some shapes have been calculated as sum of areas of basic shapes like rectangles and triangles.

The syllabus discusses about different forms of representation of mathematical data in various ways such as graphs and frequency tables to signify the importance of organization and comprehension of data.

Therefore it is expected that the teachers will bring a paradigm shift in the classroom processes from routinely solving the problems in the exercises to build basic conceptual understanding and solving problems with ingenuity.

8th Class Mathematics Chapters​

  • Rational Numbers
  • Linear Equations in One Variable
  • Construction of Quadrilaterals
  • Exponents and Powers
  • Comparing Quantities using Proportion
  • Square Roots and Cube Roots
  • Frequency Distribution Tables and Graphs
  • Exploring Geometrical Figures
  • Area of Plane Figures
  • Direct and Inverse Proportions
  • Algebraic Expressions
  • Factorisation
  • Visualizing 3-D in 2-D
  • Surface Area and Volume (Cube-Cuboid)
  • Playing with Numbers

8th Class Physical Science Textbook:​

The nature is life source for all living organisms. Rocks, water, hills and valleys, trees, animals etc. embedded in it… each of them are unique by themselves. Everything has its own prominence. Human being is only a part of the nature.

The aspect which distinguishes the humans from all other organisms and exclusive for them is their extraordinary thinking power. Thinking transforms a person as a unique entity from rest of the nature. Though it usually appears simple and normal, the intricacies of the very nature often challenges us to untie the tough knots of its hidden secrets, day in and day out.

The human being intuitionally contemplates and searches solutions for all the critical challenges, all around, relentlessly. Curiously, the questions and answers are concealed in the nature itself. The role of science, in fact, is to find them out. For this sake, some questions, some more thoughts, and some other investigations are quite necessary.

Scientific study is to move on systematically in different ways, until discovering concrete solutions. Essence of the investigations lies in inquiring i.e. identifying questions, asking them and deriving adequate and appropriate answers. That is why, Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer, emphasized that scientific learning is nothing but improving the ability of questioning.

The teaching of science has to encourage children to think and work scientifically. Also, it must enhance their love towards the nature. Even it should enable them to comprehend and appreciate the laws governing the nature in designing tremendous diversity found around here and everywhere.

Scientific learning is not just disclosing new things. It is also essential to go ahead with deep understanding of the nature’s intrinsic principles; without interrupting the harmony of interrelation and interdependence in the nature. It is also necessary to step forward without interrupting the interrelationship and interdependency along with understanding of the nature’s intrinsic principles.

High School children possess cognitive capacity of comprehending the nature and characteristics of the transforming world surrounding them. Enabling them to analyze abstract concepts. At this level, we cannot quench their sharp thinking capability with the dry teaching of mere equations and theoretic principles.

For that, we should create a learning environment in the classroom which provides an opportunity for them to apply the scientific knowledge, explore multiple alternatives in solving problems and establish new relations. Scientific learning is not just confined to the four walls of classroom. It has a definite connection to lab and field as well.

Therefore, there is a lot of importance to field experience/ experiments in science teaching. There is a great need for compulsory implementation of instructions of the National Curriculum Framework- 2005 which emphasizes linking of the science teaching with local environment. The Right to Education Act 2009 also suggested that priority should be given to the achievement of learning competencies among children.

Likewise, science teaching should be in such a way that it would help cultivate a new generation with scientific thinking. The key aspect of science teaching is to make the children understand the thinking process of scientists and their efforts behind each and every discovery. The State Curriculum Framework 2011 stated that children should be able to express their own ideas and opinions on various aspects.

All the genuine concepts should culminate into efficacious science teaching, make the teaching-learning interactions in the classroom, laboratory and field very effective and really become useful for the children to face the life challenges efficiently.

Energized Text Books facilitate the students in understanding the concepts clearly, accurately and effectively. This book has been “Energized” with QR (Quick Response) Codes as a pilot project. Content in the QR Codes can be read with the help of any smart phone or can as well be presented on the Screen with LCD projector/K-Yan projector.

The content in the QR Codes is mostly in the form of videos, animations and slides, and is an additional information to what is already there in the text books. This additional content will help the students understand the concepts clearly and will also help the teachers in making their interaction with the students more meaningful.

At the end of each chapter, questions are provided in a separate QR Code which can assess the level of learning outcomes achieved by the students. We expect the students and the teachers to use the content available in the QR Codes optimally and make their class room interaction more enjoyable and educative

8th Class Physical Science Chapters:​

  • Periods Month Page No.
  • Force
  • Friction
  • Synthetic fibres and plastics
  • Metals and non-metals
  • Reflection of light at plane surfaces
  • Coal and petroleum
  • Combustion, fuels and flame
  • Electric conductivity of liquids
  • Some natural phenomena
  • Sound
  • Stars and solar system
  • Graphs of motion

8th Class Biological Science Chapters​

  • What is Science
  • Cell – The Basic Unit of Life
  • The World of Microorganisms Part I&II
  • Reproduction in Animals
  • The Age of Adolescence
  • Biodiversity and its Conservation
  • Different Ecosystems
  • Production of Food from Plants
  • Production of Food from Animals
  • Not for Breathing Not for Drinking
  • Why do we fall ill?

8th Class Social Textbook​

This book is a part of your Social Science Curriculum and a part of various things you would be doing to study the society around you. However, remember that it is only one small part of the curriculum.

The Social Science Curriculum requires you to analyse and share in the classroom whatever you know. It requires you above all to ask questions – think why things are the way they are.

It also requires you and your friends to go out of the class room to the market, to the Panchyat or municipality office, to the village fields, to temples and mosques and museums and find out various things.

You will have to meet and discuss with a number of people, farmers, shopkeepers, officials, priests and so on. This book will introduce you to a range of problems and enable you to study them and arrive at your own understanding of them. So, the most important thing about this book is that it does not have answers.

In fact this book is not really complete. It can only be completed when you and your friends and teachers bring their own questions and experiences and discuss everything threadbare in the class.

You may disagree with many things in this book – do not be afraid to say so – only give your reasons. Your friends may disagree with you, but try to understand why they have a different view. Finally arrive at your own answers.

You may not even be sure of your answer – you may want to find out more before you make up your mind. In that case list your questions carefully and request your friends, teachers or elders to help you to find out.

This book will help you to study different aspects of our social life – about diversity of land and people, about how people get their livelihoods, how people provide for their common needs and manage them, how all people in our society are not equal and how people try to bring about equality, how people worship different gods in different ways, and finally how they communicate with each other and build a culture which is shared by them.

To understand some of these matters you may have to study about the earth – the hills, plains and rivers and seas; to understand others you may have to know what happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago; but most of all you may have to go out and talk to different kinds of people around you.

As you study this book in the classroom, you will come across many questions – do stop and try to answer those questions or do the activity suggested before you proceed ahead.

It is not so important to finish the lesson fast as it is to discuss the questions and do the activities. Many lessons will suggest projects which may take a few days to do.

These projects will enable you to develop skills of social science enquiry and analysis and presentation – these are more important than remembering what is written in the lessons. Please remember that you don’t have to memorise what is given in the lesson, but think about them and form your own opinion about them.

Energized Text Books facilitate the students in understanding the concepts clearly, accurately and effectively.

This book has been “Energized” with QR (Quick Response) Codes. Content in the QR Codes can be read with the help of any smart phone or can as well be presented on the Screen with LCD projector/K-Yan projector.

The content in the QR Codes is mostly in the form of videos, animations and slides, and is an additional information to what is already there in the text books.

This additional content will help the students understand the concepts clearly and will also help the teachers in making their interaction with the students more meaningful.

At the end of each chapter, questions are provided in a separate QR Code which can assess the level of learning outcomes achieved by the students.

We expect the students and the teachers to use the content available in the QR Codes optimally and make their class room interaction more enjoyable and educative.

8th Class Social Chapters​

  • Theme – I: Diversity on the Earth
    • Reading and Analysis of Maps 1-17 June
    • Energy from the Sun 18-32 June
    • Earth Movements and Seasons 33-39 July
    • The Polar Regions 40-48 July
    • Forests: Using and Protecting 49-61 July
    • Minerals and Mining 62-74 July
  • Theme – II: Production, Exchange and Livelihoods
    • Money and Banking 75-87 August
    • Impact of Technology on Livelihoods 88-98 August
    • Public Health and the Government 99-108 August
  • Theme -III: Political Systems and Governance
    • Landlords and Tenants under the British and the Nizam 109-118 September
    • 11A. National Movement – The Early Phase 1885-1919 119-126 September
    • 11B. National Movement – The Last Phase 1919-1947 127-137 September
    • Freedom Movement in Hyderabad State 138-150 September
    • The Indian Constitution 151-161 October
    • Parliament and Central Government 162-173 October
    • Law and Justice – A Case Study 174-185 November
  • Theme – IV: Social Organisation and Inequities
    • Abolition of Zamindari System 186-192 November
    • Understanding Poverty 193-204 November
    • Rights Approach to Development 205-211 December
  • Theme – V: Religion and Society
    • Social and Religious Reform Movements 212-223 December
    • Understanding Secularism 224-227 December
  • Theme -VI: Culture and Communication
    • Performing Arts and Artistes in Modern Times 228-237 January
    • Film and Print Media 238-244 February
    • Sports: Nationalism and Commerce 245-252 February
    • Disaster Management 253-260 February

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