SCERT Telangana Class 7 Textbooks 2024 download medium wise all subjects from here


SCERT 7th Class Textbooks 2024 or SCERT Telangana Class 7 Textbooks download medium wise all subjects from here.

SCERT Telangana has uploaded the new 7th Class Subject wise, Medium wise e Textbooks in PDF Format on its official website. Download Class 7 SCERT Telangana PDF e-Textbooks from here.

7th Class English Textbook: English was introduced in Non-English Medium Schools in class III. The State Government introduced English for the first time in class – I in 2011-12 in all Non-English Medium Schools also.

In 2012-13, English is being introduced in class II in all Non-English Medium Schools. With this, all classes from I to X will have English as one of the subjects, irrespective of the medium of instruction.

Therefore, in order to have parity among students of English and non- English medium students, a common English Textbook is introduced in all media from June 2012.

Moreover, since IT enabled learning, multilingualism, and language across the curriculum would greatly enhance the child’s learning, it would not be a problem for the non English medium child to learn English as effectively as the child in English medium does.

This single textbook norm is already in practice in many states including Tamilnadu, Bihar, and Kerala. Further, students of all media have a common English Textbook at Intermediate level in our state.

This textbook, “Our World through English” class VII, is an integrated one in the sense it has the Main Reader component, the Supplementary Reader component and the Workbook component interwoven into a single textbook.

Hence, these components are found in each and every unit. The language skills like listening, speaking, reading, and writing are integrated in the larger context of the themes as suggested in the NCF 2005. The activities are so designed as to ensure the holistic treatment of language.

SCERT Telangana Class 7 Textbooks

SCERT Telangana Class 7 Textbooks
Name of the booksSCERT Telangana Class 7 Textbooks 2024
TitleDownload SCERT Telangana 7th Class Textbooks 2024
SubjectSCERT has uploaded Telangana 7th Class Textbooks 2024 on its portal
Class7th Class
SubjectsAll subjects
TS SCERT 7th Class Textbooks 2024

Inclusion of Gender Sensitivity and Child Sexual Abuse in published by School Education Department with support of UNICEF is taken up to ensure protection of children through various interventions like personal safety rules, gender sensitivity, child sexual abuse, self esteem and life skills.

SCERT Telangana 7th Class Textbooks 2024​

MediumFirst Language
SCERT Telangana 7th Class Language Textbooks 2024
MediumSecond Language
SCERT Telangana 7th Class Language Textbooks 2024

7th Class Mathematics Textbooks 2024​

Medium7th Class Mathematics Textbook
English & Telugu
English & Telugu
SCERT Telangana 7th Class Maths Textbooks 2024

7th Class General Science Textbooks 2024​

Medium7th Class General Science Textbook
English & Telugu
English & Telugu
SCERT Telangana 7th Class Science Textbooks 2024

7th Class Social Textbooks 2024​

Medium7th Class Social Textbook
English & Telugu
English & Telugu
SCERT Telangana 7th Class Social Textbooks

In these areas safety mechanisms and laws related to child protection are taken care of. Hence, the teachers must know about these things and bring awareness among all the stakeholders.

The main aim of teaching English is to help learners evolve themselves as independent users of English. This textbook will help teachers and students achieve this by making the teaching-learning process effective.

7th Class Maths Textbook​

SCF 2011 recommends that children’s life at schools must be linked to their life outside the school. RTE 2009 perceives that every child who enters the school should acquire the necessary skills prescribed at each level up to the age of 14 years.

Academic standards were developed in each subject area accordingly to maintain the quality in education.

The 7th Class syllabi and text book developed on the basis of NCF 2005 and SCF 2011 signify an attempt to implement this basic idea. Children after completion of Primary Education enter into the Upper Primary stage. This stage is a crucial link for the children to continue their secondary education.

Recognize that, given space, time and freedom, children generate new knowledge by exploring the information passed on to them by the adults. Inculcating creativity and initiating enquiry is possible if SCERT perceive and treat children as participants in learning and not as passive receivers.

The children at this stage possess characteristics like curiosity, interest, questioning, reasoning, insisting proof, accepting the challenges etc.,

Therefore the need for conceptualizing mathematics teaching that allows children to explore concepts as well as develop their own ways of solving problems in a joyful way.

SCER had begun the process of developing a programme which helps children understand the abstract nature of mathematics while developing in them the ability to construct own concepts.

The concepts from the major areas of Mathematics like Number System, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration and Statistics are provided at the upper primary stage.

Teaching of the topics related to these areas will develop the skills prescribed in academic standards such as problem solving, logical thinking, expressing the facts in mathematical language, representing data in various forms, using mathematics in daily life situations.

The 7th Class Maths textbook attempt to enhance this endeavor by giving higher priority and space to opportunities for contemplation and wondering, discussion in small groups and activities required for hands on experience in the form of ‘Do This’ , ‘Try This’ and ‘Projects’.

Teachers support is needed in setting of the situations in the classroom. SCERT also tried to include a variety of examples and opportunities for children to set problems.

The 7th Maths book attempts to engage the mind of a child actively and provides opportunities to use concepts and develop their own structures rather than struggling with unnecessarily complicated terms and numbers.

The chapters are arranged in such a way that they help the Teachers to evaluate every area of learning to comperehend the learning progress of children and in accordance with Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).

7th Class Mathematics Chapters​

  1. Integers June 1 – 25
  2. Fractions, Decimals and Rational Numbers
  3. Simple Equations
  4. Lines and Angles
  5. Triangle and Its Properties
  6. Ratio – Applications
  7. Data Handling
  8. Congruency of Triangles
  9. Construction of Triangles
  10. Algebraic Expressions
  11. Powers and Exponents
  12. Quadrilaterals
  13. Area and Perimeter
  14. Understanding 3D and 2D Shapes
  15. Symmetry

7th Class Science Textbook:​

Thought process is a unique boon given to human kind by Nature. Man creates and reconstructs knowledge through the process of thinking and analysis. Man generates knowledge by way of doing, imagining, redoing works in a different way. These may be called the processes of Science.

Science is a systematic logical thought oriented process and a path to truth. Science and Technology have improved human life by way of scientific inventions, discoveries and their applications in various fields.

Human beings understand Nature through Science and use Nature for their benefit while at the same time respecting and protecting Nature.

However it is evident that SCERT give importance to the first i.e., harnessing Nature and forgetting to protect and sustain Nature in its pristine form.

As a result SCERT experience several calamities leading to destruction of Nature, climate, Earth and finally life on Earth. The future of the country is being shaped in the classrooms and science learning can never be limited to learning of principles, theories and introduction of experiments.

Scientific attitude and thought shapes human beings in such a way so as to make them sensitive to Nature and strive to uphold and maintain bio-diversity. Science learning means commitment towards the good and welfare of society and all life forms including human kind.

Children should learn that science is not only in textbooks but also in the works of peasants, the artisanship of potters, food prepared by mother etc.,

The local knowledge should enter into science textbooks and must be discussed in the classrooms. Specific observations and logical thinking is required in order to inculcate values and develop life skills.

This is possible through study of science. The inquisitiveness and creativity should be developed through science learning.

The skill of asking questions, critical observations and developing the spirit of investigations and enquiry shall be facilitated through science teaching and learning.

Science teaching should promote the spirit of knowing and experimenting rather than keep these abilities dormant.

The traditional attitude of treating science as a body of facts, theories, principles and information needs to be transformed. The re-learning of the true nature of science must happen as recommended by the National Curriculum Frame Work-2005.

Class 7 Science Chapters​

  • Food Components
  • Acids And Bases
  • Silk – Wool
  • Motion And Time
  • Heat – Measurement
  • Weather And Climate
  • Electricity
  • Air, Winds And Cyclones
  • Reflection Of Light
  • Nutrition In Plants
  • Respiration In Organisms
  • Reproduction In Plants
  • Seed Dispersal
  • Water
  • Soil : Our Life
  • Forest : Our Life
  • Changes Around Us

7th Class Social Textbook:​

This book is a part of your Social Science Curriculum or a part of various things you would be doing to study the society around you. However, remember that it is only one small part of that curriculum. The Social Science Curriculum requires you to analyse and share in the classroom what you know.

It requires you above all to ask questions – think why things are the way they are. It also requires you and your friends to go out of the classroom to the market, to the Panchyat or municipality office, to the village fields, to temples and mosques and museums and find out various things.

You will have to meet and discuss with a number of people, farmers, shopkeepers, officials, priests, and so on. This book will introduce you to a range of problems and enable you to study them and arrive at your own understanding of them. So, the most important thing about this book is that it does not have answers.

In fact, this book is not really complete. It can only be completed when you and your friends and teachers bring their own questions and experiences and discuss everything threadbare in the class. You may disagree with many things in this book – do not be afraid to say so – only give your reasons.

Your friends may disagree with you, but try to understand why they have a different view. Finally arrive at your own answers. You may not even be sure of your answer – you may want to find out more before you make up your mind. In that case list your questions carefully and request your friends, teachers or elders to help you to find out.

This book will help you to study different aspects of our social life – about diversity of land and people, about how people get their livelihoods, how people provide for their common needs and manage them, how all people in our society are not equal and how people try to bring about equality, how people worship different gods in different ways, and finally how they communicate with each other and build a culture which is shared by them.

It also helps the children in seeking protection and security. To understand some of these matters you may have to study about the earth – the hills, plains and rivers and seas; to understand others you may have to know what happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago; but most of all you may have to go out and talk to different kinds of people around you.

As you study this book in the class room, you will come across many questions – do stop and try to answer those questions or do the activity suggested before you proceed ahead. It is not so important to finish the lesson fast as it is to discuss the questions and do the activities. Many lessons will suggest projects which may take a few days to do.

These projects will enable you to develop skills of social science enquiry and analysis and presentation – these are more important than remembering what is written in the lessons. Please remember that you don’t have to memorise what is given in the lesson, but think about them and form your own opinion about them.

SCERT can use content related maps, tables & graphs other than text book for practice and evaluation. Discussions, conducting interviews, debates and projects are given in the middle of the running lesson and after the improve your learning. To develop social consiousness, sensitivity and positive attitude among the children is the purpose. Hence these must be taken up.

  • Theme – I: Diversity on the Earth
    • Reading Maps of Different kinds
    • Rain and Rivers
    • Tanks and Ground Water
    • Oceans and Fishing
    • Europe
    • Africa
  • Theme – II: Production Exchange and Livelihoods
    • Handicrafts and Handlooms
    • Industrial Revolution
    • Production in a Factory – A Paper Mill
    • Importance of Transport System
  • Theme -III: Political Systems and Governance
    • New Kings and Kingdoms
    • The Kakatiyas – Emergence of a Regional Kingdom
    • The Kings of Vijayanagara
    • Mughal Empire
    • Establishment of the British Empire in India
    • Making of Laws in the State Assembly
    • Implementation of Laws in the District
  • Theme – IV: Social Organisation and Inequities
    • Caste Discrimination and the Struggle for Equalities
    • Livelihood and Struggles of Urban Workers
      Theme – V: Religion and Society
    • Folk – Religion
    • Devotional Paths to the Divine
  • Theme -VI: Culture and Communication
    • Rulers and Buildings

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4th Class Textbooks
5th Class Textbooks
6th Class Textbooks
7th Class Textbooks
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10th Class Textbooks
SCERT Telangana Textbooks

Textbooks, Worksheets, Handbooks and Modules​

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Spoken English Books
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