Since yesterday a pic has been going viral on social media, which the fans believe is from Pushpa 2 shoot. The pic shows a dead woman, and rumors began on social media that this pic is from the shooting location of Pushpa 2 and it is Rashmika Mandanna who is in the leaked image.
As the actress in the picture is somewhat similar to Rashmika, many considered it to be true, and discussions have started on social media regarding the same. From the very beginning, there has been a rumor that Srivalli’s character in Pushpa 2 will die, and this picture added more fuel to the rumors.
Here is the clarity about the pic that is going viral on social media. It is from a Marathi film named Nay Varanbhat Loncha Kon Nay Koncha which is directed by Mahesh Manjrekar, and it is not Rashmika. So this should be a sigh of relief for all the actress’s fans now.
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