Reviving Half-Timbered Structures: Sustainable Architecture Through Digital Construction Technologies


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Emissions in the construction sector are increasing and so are the costs of raw materials. Circular economy and more sustainable architecture will require innovative approaches. Architects of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) combine digital design and fabrication strategies with historical architecture and novel materials based on natural resources. In their demonstration project, researchers and students reinterpreted half-timbered houses: Their combination of wood and willow-clay composites will be presented at the Landesgartenschau (state garden show) that will take place at Wangen im Allgäu from April 26 to October 6, 2024.

“The construction sector produces more than 40 percent of all CO2 emissions worldwide, air traffic just 2 to 3 percent,” says Moritz Dörstelmann, Tenure-track Professor for Digital Design and Fabrication at KIT’s Institute for Building Design and Technology. His international and interdisciplinary team digitally rethinks historical craftmanship. “We do not just automate and digitalize, but develop entirely new construction methods.”

Reinterpreted Half-Timbered Houses Enable Circular Economy in the Construction Sector

“One of our demonstration projects covers a hybrid wooden carrier structure combined with ceiling parts based on a willow-clay composite. The façade is made of flax fibers,” Dörstelmann explains. “This intelligent mix of local, rapidly regenerating materials, earth, and wood is used for construction purposes.” Digital construction technologies are applied to upscale these natural construction materials to high-performance components. With his team, Dörstelmann developed digital design and automated fabrication methods for structural components based on the willow-clay composite.

The researchers also study the material flow for the use of willow as a construction material. Their approach is to restore swamps and to grow willows there. “Both the restored swamps and the rapidly growing willows will store large amounts of CO2,” Dörstelmann says. “This will enable low-energy processing of local material and diversify the use of renewable resources in the construction sector.”

Research-based Teaching: Students Are Involved in All Project Phases

Dörstelmann encourages his students to participate actively in all project phases. Students are involved in the finding of ideas and in the concept phase already. “In the beginning, we are very open for new ideas as to which circular and digital construction methods might be used. Students contribute entirely new perspectives,” says the Professor of Architecture, who was granted the State Teaching Award in the category of Innovation/Transformation in 2023. Then, students help revise new concepts, generate digital models, and develop 1:1 prototypes.
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