Principal Hotline: What Do I Do if I Miss Teaching



There comes a time in every school administrator’s life when they miss the classroom, and the feeling can be overwhelming. As a principal, you’ve moved away from direct interactions with students, but the passion for teaching might still linger. This article provides suggestions on how to address those feelings and maintain your love for education.

1. Support and shadow teachers:

Embrace opportunities to work alongside teachers as they deliver their lessons. Actively participate by being present in classrooms, understanding their teaching methods and offering support. This not only helps with professional development but also keeps you connected to the core of teaching.

2. Mentor new teachers:

Mentoring new or struggling teachers is a great way to pass on your knowledge and expertise in the education field. By guiding them through the challenges they face, you will draw on your own experiences as a teacher and rekindle that spark of joy that comes from helping others succeed.

3. Teach occasional lessons:

Create an opportunity in your schedule to cover for an absent teacher or conduct a guest lesson on a topic you’re passionate about. This enables you to step back into the classroom and interact with students directly, while demonstrating your commitment to high-quality instruction within your school.

4. Listen to student concerns:

Organize regular meetings where students can share their opinions, needs, or even complaints in a comfortable environment. These interactions will remind you of why you entered education in the first place – to support students in achieving their goals

5. Continue your professional learning:

Attend professional development workshops, seminars, and conferences related to specific subjects or updates in educational research. Engaging in continuous learning not only benefits your school leadership role but also fuels your passion for teaching.

6. Organize community education events:

Foster relationships between the school and its local community by organizing various educational events such as seminars or workshops on current issues. Connecting with the community ensures you receive diverse perspectives on education and creates a support network that values learning and student well-being.

7. Seek feedback from peers:

Maintain open communication with your former colleagues or other school leaders. Share your aspirations with them, and ask them to hold you accountable to those goals. They can provide valuable insights, sharing their own experiences, and offer guidance that will benefit both your professional growth and love for teaching.


Finding ways to keep your passion for teaching alive is essential for staying motivated as a principal. Stay involved with students, teachers, and the community as a whole, and constantly seek opportunities for professional growth. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey; many school leaders share similar feelings of nostalgia for the classroom!

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