Presidency Group of Schools


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1. How did the idea of stepping into education strike you?

I can say that “Education chose me” or that education has always been a part of my life for which I am extremely thankful as I could not have chosen a better field for myself.

Growing up, I had the privilege of accompanying my father, Dr. Nissar Ahmed, Chairman of the Presidency Group of Institutions, to his workplace, where I initially observed him and eventually started working under his supervision. Looking back, I enjoyed each moment, as every day brought new challenges that I learned to resolve and manage very early in my life.

My formal foray into the field of education began over a decade ago, after completing my Master’s Degree from London University in 2010. I am extremely grateful to have been born into a family that values education and for the opportunity to work in a field that I am passionate about.

2. What interested you to work in the education field?

My interest in the education field sparked very early during my visits to various branches of Presidency School. This continued to grow and after completing my education, I became more determined to gain deeper insights into the intricacies of running an educational institution from the grassroots level, thus enabling me to better comprehend the dynamics of the K-12 educational segment.

The prospect of developing an enriched and contemporary curriculum to strengthen the teaching-learning processes at the school level is particularly fascinating to me, as I am passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of students

3. How does your knowledge and experience in the field of education influence your partner who is working in the same field and vice-versa?

My husband, Tanveer Ahmed is the CEO of 2 educational institutions in Bengaluru- Little Flower Public School and Mitra Academy. We have a strong influence on each other’s knowledge and experience and regularly share insights, discuss new ideas, and collaborate on various projects to enhance our skills and expertise.

Through our conversations, we gain different perspectives and learn new techniques to improve our teaching methods, curriculum development, and overall management of educational institutions. Our experiences in the field of education have also helped us to support each other through challenges, providing advice and guidance as needed.

Overall, our partnership has only been beneficial, as we continue to grow and evolve both as individuals and as a team.

4. In what ways she/he is your pillar of strength?

Firstly, Tanveer has always been able to provide emotional support as he understands what exactly I am dealing with and the stressors that come in the field of education. Even if it is a listening ear, providing words of encouragement and support, and being a source of comfort during difficult times. Secondly, we often share valuable insights and expertise from our respective Institutions that can help improve teaching practices and enhance the learning experience for students. By sharing this knowledge, we help each other stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the field.

For example, during the pandemic, we both had to face the same challenges in adapting to the new online teaching format. However, being able to discuss these challenges and brainstorm solutions together was incredibly helpful. We were able to share our experiences, offer advice, and motivate each other to keep going, even during the most challenging times.

He is also a source of motivation and inspiration. We set goals and work towards achieving them, celebrate each other’s successes, and help each other stay focused and motivated in the face of challenges.

5. As your personal and professional lives are deeply intertwined, what are the unique challenges you face every day?

Juggling our professional responsibilities as partners and parents is undoubtedly one of our greatest challenges. We bear significant accountability towards various stakeholders and constantly face numerous hurdles. However, when we return home at the end of the day, it becomes crucial to maintain composure and provide a calm and comforting environment for our children. Despite the daily struggles we encounter, it is important not to let them overshadow our inner peace. By preserving our composure, we can ensure that our children feel secure and supported in their daily lives.

6. How does your partner support you to deal with the daily challenges?

We provide each other support in helping navigate the daily challenges we face. By offering a listening ear or simply just expressing our thoughts, concerns, and frustrations. Through our mutual understanding and empathy for one another, we can provide a sense of validation and emotional support to one another.

7. Being in the same profession you are exposed to differences of opinion. How do you cope with it?

Like all couples, we also face differences of opinion due to our diverse experiences and perspectives. However, we have this deep-rooted respect towards each other’s viewpoints and have open and constructive communication to resolve any conflicts.

We ensure that listen to each other’s perspectives, share concerns, and try to find common ground or a mutually beneficial solution. We also seek the advice of trusted mentors and our parents/family who are in the same field to gain a different perspective and make informed decisions.

8. Maintaining a balance between work and home may get difficult at times, may it be for a husband or wife. How do you manage the same?

Balancing personal and professional lives is indeed quite challenging and at times creates a situation where it becomes difficult to completely detach from work and focus on family time. In addition to our Leadership roles in our respective organizations, we are also parents to three children.

Tanveer’s hands-on approach as a parent is extremely valuable to help me balance work and personal responsibilities. Most importantly he provides support and help to organize my workload, which allows us to maintain a healthy balance between work and life. We make sure that even on days when one of us has work stretching long, the other parent is available to spend quality time with our children.

9. Describe one special quality in your partner, which you wish you had and why?

Tanveer’s educational background, holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, has provided him with a strong analytical mindset and agile thinking. These qualities have proven to be highly effective in navigating the dynamic and ever-changing educational landscape. His expertise in data analytics is particularly noteworthy, as it allows for valuable insights that play a crucial role in making informed decisions.

On a personal note, I admire Tanveer’s data analytics skills, as they contribute significantly to effective decision-making. My own strengths lie more in creativity and a deep passion for curriculum and instructional design within the field of education. Each of us brings unique abilities and perspectives to the table, complementing one another’s expertise and contributing to a well-rounded team dynamic.

10. How do you motivate each other in times of crisis?

In our field, we understand the common challenges we face and support each other with our experience and expertise in handling issues that arise. During the pandemic, when we had to transition to online work, Tanveer played a crucial role in sharing his expertise in using online platforms effectively. Additionally, we frequently engage in discussions on human dynamics and organizational behaviour, exploring ways to manage those situations wisely. These interactions and knowledge-sharing contribute to our motivation and ability to navigate crises together.

11. A message for couples who are working in the same profession.

During times of crisis, it is important to give each other space and respect work-life balance, understanding each other’s priorities and commitments. While working together, differences of opinion may arise, but it is crucial for both partners to come together to find resolutions. By valuing each other’s perspectives and actively seeking common ground, you can foster a collaborative and motivating environment. Remember, the ultimate goal is to work through challenges as a team and find solutions that benefit everyone involved.

12. When you enter the house the work stays at the door, as you have other things to pay attention to. Do you live by this policy, if yes how do you make it possible?

Passion for our work often leads us to go above and beyond regular hours and bring work home. Although it can be difficult to define clear boundaries, we strive to juggle our home and work responsibilities as effectively as possible. We recognize the significance of not neglecting our personal lives and make conscious efforts to limit the intrusion of work into our home fronts.

While there are instances when our work overlaps with our personal life, we understand the need to prioritize and find a balance. By being mindful of our commitments and managing our time wisely, we aim to give due attention to both our work and personal responsibilities. We acknowledge that maintaining this equilibrium is an ongoing process, but it is a commitment we make to ourselves and our loved ones.

13. What would be your success mantra for this perfect combination of personal and professional partnership?

The success mantra for achieving a perfect combination of personal and professional partnership lies in cultivating deep-rooted respect for each other’s commitment to their passions and work. Being in the same field, you both understand the level of dedication and the demands involved. This understanding allows you to be empathetic and supportive of each other’s professional pursuits.

Giving each other enough space and autonomy is key. Recognize and respect the need for individual focus and concentration when it comes to work. Providing that space and freedom to thrive professionally can strengthen the bond between you.

Additionally, it is crucial to be supportive of one another’s work. Celebrate each other’s successes, offer encouragement during challenging times, and provide a listening ear when needed. Building a foundation of support and encouragement helps foster a positive and nurturing environment for both personal and professional growth.

Amidst the demands of work, it is important to prioritize and allocate quality time for each other and your loved ones. Nurture the family ties by creating meaningful moments together, whether it is through shared experiences, outings, or simply spending quality time at home. Balancing personal and professional commitments while maintaining strong family connections requires mindful time management and a commitment to nurturing all aspects of your lives.

In summary, the success mantra involves having respect, understanding, and support for each other’s professional endeavours, giving space when needed, and prioritizing quality time for your relationship and family. By nurturing these aspects, you can foster a harmonious and fulfilling personal and professional partnership.

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