Preparing Your Child for College: Academic and Extracurricular Strategies


Preparing your child for college is a big undertaking, and striking the right balance between school and other activities can make all the difference. Drawing from my experience as part of the admissions committee at Columbia University, I know how valuable a well-rounded education is. So, let’s take a look at five important tips for parents so that you can effectively prepare your child for college.

1. Start Early​

Start preparing for college early—don’t wait until your child is a teenager. Begin when they’re young, even before they can tie their shoelaces. You can do this by establishing a daily routine with consistent meal times and bedtime to instill healthy habits and structure.

As your child grows, progressively introduce more activities into their daily schedule. Beginning early has several key advantages. First, it helps your child adapt to a structured routine, making time management a natural skill of theirs. Second, it prevents them from feeling overwhelmed when they eventually have a multitude of responsibilities on their plate.

2. Prioritize Academics​

To build a strong foundation for college, prioritize the development of a strong academic foundation from day one. Here are some steps you can take.

  • Morning Study Time: It’s a good idea to encourage your child to study in the morning. Fresh minds make learning more effective, and it sets a positive tone for the day.
  • Balance Fun and Study: While school is important, remember to let your child have some fun, too. A balance between academics and enjoyable activities is essential to keeping them motivated and happy.
  • Be a Role Model: Show your child that learning is exciting by sharing your interests, reading together, and exploring new topics as a family. You’re setting a great example!
  • Nurture Curiosity: Encourage your child’s curiosity. Let them ask questions and explore things they find fascinating, even if it’s not in their school books. Curiosity is a fantastic motivator for lifelong learning.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Whenever your child accomplishes something academically, celebrate it. Recognition, big or small, boosts their confidence and shows them that education matters.
  • Explore Beyond School: Museums, libraries, and science centers are excellent places for learning outside the classroom. Learning can be both fun and practical.
  • Homework Routine: Make sure your child has a regular homework routine. A tidy and quiet study space and some time management skills go a long way in helping them stay organized.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Work together to set academic goals. It gives your child a sense of direction and achievement. Plus, it’s a valuable skill for life.

By making academics a priority and nurturing a love for learning, you’re not just preparing your child for college; you’re giving them skills and a passion for knowledge that will last a lifetime.

3. Plan It Out​

Remember what Benjamin Franklin said about planning, “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” Put together a daily schedule that spells out all your child’s activities. Start with the non-negotiables like meals, and then slot the flexible activities around them. Effective and thoughtful planning helps your child manage their responsibilities with ease.

Once you have established the core elements of their schedule, like eventually , it’s time to allocate slots for more flexible activities. These could include homework, extracurricular activities, playtime, and other commitments. By carefully slotting these activities around the non-negotiables, you provide your child with a structured framework that enables them to manage their responsibilities with ease.

4. Keep Them Well-Fed​

A well-balanced diet is not only crucial for your child’s physical growth but also plays a key role in their cognitive performance. Ensure your child gets regular, healthy meals and snacks throughout the day. Eating right keeps them sharp and ready to tackle schoolwork and extracurricular adventures.

5. Dive into Extracurriculars​

In addition to the academic tips we’ve covered, there are some strategies for extracurriculars that can really boost your child’s college prep. Firstly, encourage them to dip their toes into various activities. Enrolling your kids in is a great way to expose them to activities they may not have considered participating in before.

Whether it’s volunteering, art, or sports, trying different things shows they’re open to new experiences. Then, stress the importance of going deep rather than wide. It’s better for them to fully commit to a few activities they love rather than spreading themselves thin. Plus, taking on leadership roles within these activities can really impress colleges.

Also, remind them to reflect on their experiences. Talking about what they’ve learned and how they’ve grown helps them understand themselves better. Lastly, encourage them to connect with mentors and peers. Building relationships and learning from others can open doors to exciting opportunities. With these simple but effective extracurricular strategies, your child can stand out and shine in the college application process.

Author Bio​

Mary Banks is the Director of Admissions Consulting at Quad Education. She is also the former Director of Admissions at the Columbia School of Nursing and former Director of Admissions for the School of Education, Nursing, and the Arts at NYU.

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