Parents Don’t Understand How Far Behind Their Kids Are in School


It is no secret that education is the foundation of a child’s future. However, parents often miscalculate their children’s academic progress simply because they are not familiar with today’s education system. Sure, they check in with teachers during parent-teacher conferences and see their children’s grades, but they might not necessarily understand the curriculum, pacing, and standards for their child’s grade level.

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing more remote learning, parents have had to take on a more active role in their child’s education. This shift has highlighted the gap between parents’ perceptions of their child’s academic performance and the reality of how far behind their child may be in school.

Parents may notice their child struggling with a particular subject or falling behind in assignments, but they may not realize the magnitude of this academic gap. Teachers design curriculums to build on previous knowledge gained in earlier grades and to prepare students for their next level of education. It is not enough for a student to just pass a class; they must have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to move on to the next level.

Unfortunately, many children have missed significant amounts of education time due to the pandemic. Even with online classes, children have faced distractions, technical difficulties, and the inability to ask for help on the spot. As a result, children are falling behind in their studies, and parents may not fully comprehend the depth of this problem. For instance, a child who misses two months of school may not understand the fundamental concepts that are vital in their education, putting them behind other children their age.

Additionally, teachers often observe and evaluate each child’s level of proficiency. If a child does not meet the standards set for their grade level, teachers usually implement interventions to close the gap. However, with remote learning, teachers cannot closely monitor each student’s performance. This lack of in-person contact often means that significant gaps in learning can go unnoticed.

In conclusion, it is vital for parents to understand the full scope of their child’s education progress. They must realize that catching up their child’s missed education time is essential to their academic future and attempt to provide support. Being aware of the curriculum, standards, and academic expectations set for their child’s grade level can help parents track their child’s progress accurately. Parents must recognize the existing academic gap to ensure their child receives the best chance for future academic success.

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