

TOPIC: “Breathing life into biodiversity conservation”

The preservation of biodiversity is a pressing global issue, as ecosystems are increasingly threatened by human activities such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. In this context, the need for effective conservation measures has become more urgent than ever. In India, which is home to a rich variety of flora and fauna, conservation efforts have been ongoing for decades. However, much more needs to be done, especially given the continued loss of habitat and decline of species. A multi-pronged approach that involves government agencies, civil society, and local communities is needed to ensure the long-term protection of biodiversity. This could include measures such as the restoration of degraded ecosystems, the implementation of sustainable practices in agriculture and forestry, and the creation of protected areas. Through such efforts, it is possible to breathe new life into biodiversity conservation and secure a healthier, more resilient planet for generations to come.


  1. Biodiversity
  • Synonyms: variety of life, ecological diversity, biological diversity
  • Antonyms: homogeneity, uniformity, sameness
  1. Ecosystems
  • Synonyms: environment, habitat, ecological system
  • Antonyms: artificial environment, disrupted ecosystem, ecological imbalance
  1. Habitat destruction
  • Synonyms: ecosystem destruction, loss of natural habitat, environmental degradation
  • Antonyms: habitat restoration, habitat conservation, habitat preservation
  1. Pollution
  • Synonyms: contamination, defilement, adulteration
  • Antonyms: purification, cleanliness, freshness
  1. Climate change
  • Synonyms: global warming, climate crisis, climate emergency
  • Antonyms: stability, constancy, equilibrium
  1. Conservation
  • Synonyms: preservation, protection, safeguarding
  • Antonyms: destruction, waste, misuse
  1. Flora and fauna
  • Synonyms: plant and animal life, biodiversity, wildlife
  • Antonyms: barrenness, lifelessness, emptiness
  1. Multi-pronged approach
  • Synonyms: diversified approach, multifaceted approach, multi-dimensional approach
  • Antonyms: singular approach, one-dimensional approach, limited approach
  1. Sustainable practices
  • Synonyms: eco-friendly practices, green practices, environmentally sustainable practices
  • Antonyms: unsustainable practices, harmful practices, wasteful practices
  1. Resilient
  • Synonyms: robust, durable, strong
  • Antonyms: fragile, delicate, weak
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