Hrithik Roshan who will share space with NTR in War 2, wished the latter on his birthday this morning. Till now, only media portals have reported about the collaboration, but the actors remained silent. For the first time Hrithik Roshan spoke about the movie. Now NTR has given a lovely reply to the Bollywood star hero.
NTR thanked Hrithik and asked the latter to start counting down the days. NTR further wrote, “Hope you will sleep well thinking about what awaits because I want you all rested at the yuddhabhoomi. See you soon!” Are the stars conveying something about the film’s story?
Well, it looks like so. The tweet excited the fans, who couldn’t wait to see Hrithik and NTR on big screens together. There hasn’t been clarity about when this project would commence, but a few reports suggest the movie might go on the floors at the end of 2023.
Thank you sir for your lovely wish!
I’m going to soak in the day today…
You should start counting down the days too… Hope you sleep well thinking about what awaits because I want you well rested at the yuddhabhoomi see you soon!
— Jr NTR (@tarak9999)
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