NEET MDS 2024 Admit Card: The National Board of Medical Science, New Delhi has revised the NEET MDS admit card release date. Earlier, scheduled to be released on March 13; now aspirants can access their NEET MDS hall tickets from March 15. Despite the board making a slew of changes such as extending the cut-off date and reopening the registration portal, NBEMS did not
the NEET MDS examination from March to July. Candidates will be able to access the NBEMS NEET MDS Admit Card 2024 by visiting the official website at
Candidates are required to download their admit card from the NBEMS website and affix firmly their recent (not more than 3 months old) passport-size photograph in the space provided on the admit card. Here’s how you can access the admit card.
Candidates are required to report at the ‘Reporting Counter’ of test venue at as per time indicated in their admit cards. To avoid crowding at the test venue entry, there will be staggered time slots for candidates to report.
The reporting counter will close 30 minutes prior to the test start time. This will allow time for security checks, identity verification, and checking in for examination.
The candidate will flash the admit card and ID proof for verification to the exam functionary standing across the table with barcode/QR code reader. Candidate shall be informed about the assigned lab number. Alternatively, the list of Roll numbers and assigned labs shall be displayed outside the test venue.
Candidates will not be allowed to take the following items beyond security check point in examination premises under any circumstances: Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), notes, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Eraser, etc. Any electronic device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, wrist watch/Health Band, Calculator, Electronic Pen/ Scanner etc. All ornaments like bracelets, Ring, Earrings, Nosepin, Chain/Necklace, Pendants, Necklace with pendants, Badge,
Brooch etc.
For any query, please contact NBEMS Candidate Care Support at +91-7996165333 or write to NBEMS at its helpline portal accessible through the applicant login or its Communication Web Portal .
How to Download NEET MDS 2024 Admit Card?
Candidates are required to download their admit card from the NBEMS website and affix firmly their recent (not more than 3 months old) passport-size photograph in the space provided on the admit card. Here’s how you can access the admit card.
- Visit the official website of the National Board of Medical Science, New Delhi at and .
- Look for the link that reads, “Download NEET MDS 2024 Admit card.”
- Enter the credentials and submit it.
- Your NEET MDS admit card will appear on the screen.
- Download and save a copy of it for future reference.
Candidates are required to report at the ‘Reporting Counter’ of test venue at as per time indicated in their admit cards. To avoid crowding at the test venue entry, there will be staggered time slots for candidates to report.
The reporting counter will close 30 minutes prior to the test start time. This will allow time for security checks, identity verification, and checking in for examination.
The candidate will flash the admit card and ID proof for verification to the exam functionary standing across the table with barcode/QR code reader. Candidate shall be informed about the assigned lab number. Alternatively, the list of Roll numbers and assigned labs shall be displayed outside the test venue.
Candidates will not be allowed to take the following items beyond security check point in examination premises under any circumstances: Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), notes, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Eraser, etc. Any electronic device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, wrist watch/Health Band, Calculator, Electronic Pen/ Scanner etc. All ornaments like bracelets, Ring, Earrings, Nosepin, Chain/Necklace, Pendants, Necklace with pendants, Badge,
Brooch etc.
For any query, please contact NBEMS Candidate Care Support at +91-7996165333 or write to NBEMS at its helpline portal accessible through the applicant login or its Communication Web Portal .