Nanjing University Hosts Summit Forum on Fintech Discipline Development


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Guided by the goal of building a strong financial nation, in order to deeply explore the planning and construction of financial technology disciplines, industry-university-research collaboration and cooperation, cross-disciplinary talent training and scientific research paradigm transformation, the Financial Technology Discipline Development Summit Forum was successfully held at Nanjing University on June 14, 2024. The conference was hosted by Nanjing University, undertaken by the School of Engineering Management of Nanjing University, and co-organized by the Digital Finance Suzhou Laboratory and the China Research Institute of Green Finance. Senior experts and scholars in the field of financial technology from nearly 100 universities at home and abroad attended the conference. Chen Yunsong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing University, attended the opening ceremony of the conference and delivered a speech. Professor Yu Honghai, dean of the School of Engineering Management of Nanjing University, presided over the opening ceremony.

Chen Yunsong said in his speech that financial technology is changing our financial ecology and economic structure at an unprecedented speed. Strengthening the education, research and industry-university-research collaborative development of financial technology and cultivating cross-disciplinary talents with innovative spirit and practical ability have become an important mission entrusted to universities by the times. This forum is not only a platform for discipline development, teaching reform, and scientific research exchanges, but also a stage for the collision of ideas. I hope to work together with the experts and scholars attending the conference to promote the development and growth of the financial technology discipline, and make new and greater contributions to building a financial power and exploring a financial development path with Chinese characteristics.

After the opening ceremony, four parallel roundtable forums were held simultaneously, each divided into two sessions. The theme of the first sub-forum was “Planning and Construction of Financial Technology Disciplines”, hosted by Professor Li Xindan, Dean of the New Finance Research Institute of Nanjing University, and Professor Wang Changyun of the School of Finance and Banking of Renmin University of China; the theme of the second sub-forum was “Collaboration and Cooperation between Industry, University and Research in Financial Technology”, hosted by Professor Zhang Wei of the School of Management and Economics of Tianjin University and Professor Yang Shenggang of the School of Business Administration of Hunan University; the theme of the third sub-forum was “Cultivation of Interdisciplinary Talents in Financial Technology”, hosted by Professor Chen Shou of the School of Business Administration of Hunan University and Professor Yu Honghai of the School of Engineering Management of Nanjing University; the theme of the fourth sub-forum was “Exploration of Financial Technology Research Paradigms”, hosted by Professor Li Zhongfei of the School of Business of Southern University of Science and Technology and Professor Yang Xuewei of the School of Engineering Management of Nanjing University.

At the forum, experts expressed their opinions freely based on the theme of the forum and the actual situation of each unit and their respective research fields, and shared and discussed in depth a series of research results or opinions and suggestions on promoting the development of the financial technology discipline.

This summit forum comprehensively discussed the development prospects, opportunities and challenges of the development of financial technology disciplines in the context of “building a financial power” in terms of industry-university-research collaboration, cross-disciplinary talent training, and scientific research paradigm exploration, and reached a broad consensus, laying a solid foundation for deepening cooperation among universities, research institutes, financial enterprises, regulatory authorities and other parties in the future to jointly promote the development of financial technology disciplines.