Nanjing University Hosts Governor Xu Kunlin for In-Depth Research Visit


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On August 1, Governor Xu Kunlin visited Nanjing University for research. He hoped that the university would thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, bear in mind the earnest instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, adhere to the correct direction of running schools, closely follow the pulse of the development of the times, coordinate and promote the reform of the system and mechanism of education, science and technology talents, accelerate the construction of the “first Nanjing University” with Chinese characteristics and world-class, continuously enhance the contribution and support to the economic and social development of our province, and contribute more to the promotion of the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangsu. Tan Tianniu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Tan Zhemin, President of Nanjing University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, accompanied the research.

Xu Kunlin came to the school history museum to learn about the school’s history, construction and development in detail. He said that Nanjing University has a long history and outstanding reputation, and has trained a group of masters and pioneered many academic precedents. School history is an important spiritual core of the school’s cultural heritage. It is necessary to strengthen the excavation, sorting and research of school history materials, educate and guide students to continue the red bloodline, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and integrate the passionate youth dream into the great Chinese dream.

At the Biological and Medical Electron Microscopy Technology Research Center, Xu Kunlin learned about the construction of the Medical Innovation Platform for Vascular Information and Health Engineering, hoping to closely follow clinical needs, deepen the integration of medicine and engineering, concentrate superior forces to carry out cutting-edge technology research and industrial application, and bring more health and well-being to the people. At the Jiangsu Physical Science Research Center, Xu Kunlin successively visited the Quantum Extreme Measurement Laboratory, the Atomic Manufacturing Laboratory, the Superconducting Physics and Materials Research Center, the Dielectric Superlattice Laboratory, etc., and encouraged scientific researchers to dare to venture into no man’s land, climb to the highest peak, open up new frontiers, and give birth to transformative new technologies, so as to provide a source of fresh water for the development of new quality productivity. At the National Integrated Circuit Industry-Education Integration Innovation Platform, Xu Kunlin listened to the introduction of the collaborative research of key core technologies between schools and enterprises, hoping to use major tasks as the “engine” of the integration of science and education, promote the cross-disciplinary integration and collaborative training of talents, and help realize the independent, safe and controllable supply chain of important industrial chains. In the Energy Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Laboratory, after learning about the technical principles and industrial applications of the new all-perovskite tandem solar cells, Xu Kunlin said that it is necessary to coordinate and strengthen the research and development of key core technologies, promote the popularization and application of independently researched products and iterative upgrades, so that more scientific and technological achievements can be transformed from samples into products and form industries.

During the investigation, Xu Kunlin hosted a symposium, listened to reports on relevant work, and had in-depth exchanges with academicians and experts. He said that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made important arrangements for the coordinated promotion of the reform of the education, science and technology talent system and mechanism. Colleges and universities are the concentrated intersection of education, science and technology, and talents. They are the main force of basic research and the source of major scientific and technological breakthroughs. To create an important position for the development of new quality productivity and promote the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangsu, higher education, especially high-level universities such as Nanjing University, needs to play a more active and creative role and value. It is hoped that the school will take the lead in strengthening organized basic research, strengthen the goal orientation of exploration, improve the degree of organization of scientific research, and promote the output of more original and subversive scientific and technological innovation results. Explore and open up the way to promote the deep integration of industry, academia and research, strengthen the layout of discipline systems and the integration of innovative resources, deepen scientific research cooperation with industry-leading enterprises, and realize the “two-way empowerment” of colleges and universities and the “two-way rush” with enterprises. Demonstrate leadership in improving the mechanism of independent talent training, adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity, effectively strengthen the cultivation of innovation capabilities, strengthen the coordination of science and technology education and humanities education, and build a high-quality and top-notch independent training system for innovative talents. We will deepen and expand the promotion of high-level education opening, effectively utilize world-class educational resources and innovative elements, carry out extensive cultural dialogue and exchanges, vigorously introduce and cultivate high-level talents, and provide strong talent and intellectual support for Jiangsu’s high-quality development and modernization construction. We will continue to fully support Nanjing University and create a good environment for the development of various undertakings of the school.

At the symposium, Tan Tianniu introduced the basic situation of the university and the situation of its service support for Jiangsu’s high-quality development with the theme of “Remembering the Instructions, Grateful and Forging Ahead to Serve Jiangsu”. He pointed out that in recent years, Nanjing University has consciously taken serving Jiangsu as its mission, actively oriented itself to Jiangsu’s development, and actively connected with Jiangsu’s needs. It has formulated the “Action Plan for Comprehensively Supporting Jiangsu’s New Practice of Chinese-style Modernization” (referred to as the “7291” Action Plan), and has made every effort to contribute Nanjing University’s wisdom and performance to Jiangsu’s new practice of Chinese-style modernization. Nanjing University has made every effort to play the role of a “reservoir” in talent gathering, to demonstrate its role as a “booster” in scientific and technological innovation, to stimulate the power of a “strong engine” in the integration of industry and education, to play the role of a “guardian” in cultural inheritance, and to make contributions as a “fresh force” in social services. He said that as a member of the national strategic scientific and educational force, Nanjing University will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, bear in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions, further strengthen its conscious pursuit of serving the country and the people, and its determination and confidence to take root in Jiangsu to run schools, develop, and do business, accelerate the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics, and better serve and support Jiangsu in “leading the way and setting an example.”

Provincial Government Secretary-General Lü Deming and heads of relevant provincial government departments, Chinese Academy of Sciences academicians Zhu Shining, Wang Guanghou, Guo Zijian, Ma Yuqiang, and Gu Ning, and school leaders Yang Zhong, Chen Yunsong, Wang Zhenlin, Lu Yanqing, Suo Wenbin, Zhou Zhihua, and Jiao Ruihua attended the investigation and discussion.
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