Nanjing University Conducts Special Party Class on Discipline Study and Education


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On July 4, Nanjing University held a special party class and warning education meeting on party discipline learning and education at Xianlin Campus. The purpose of this meeting is to fully implement the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the Party Group of the Ministry of Education on carrying out party discipline learning and education, further promote the in-depth and practical party discipline learning and education, give full play to the warning and awakening role of warning education, and continuously enhance the political determination, disciplinary determination, moral determination, and anti-corruption determination of party members and cadres of Nanjing University, and deepen the comprehensive and strict governance of the party in the school. Tan Tianniu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave a special party class on the theme of “Holding the mirror of party discipline with a clear mind and holding the ruler to maintain the political character forever.”

Tan Tianniu comprehensively reviewed the implementation of the Party discipline study and education at Nanjing University. He pointed out that carrying out the Party discipline study and education is an important decision and deployment made by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee. It is a powerful tool to consolidate and expand the results of the theme education, deeply study and practice General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the self-revolution of the Party, and is a very important political task for party building this year. Since the implementation of the Party discipline study and education, Nanjing University has focused on key tasks, carefully studied the “Regulations”, made good use of typical cases, carried out warning education, strengthened interpretation training, and improved the quality and effectiveness of learning, and has achieved phased results.

From eight aspects, Tan Tianniu comprehensively elaborated on the scientific connotation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on comprehensively strengthening the party’s discipline construction, and combined with the requirements of party discipline learning and education work, as well as the new situation of party style and clean government construction and the fight against corruption, he required party members to deeply understand the scientific connotation and practical requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on comprehensively strengthening the party’s discipline construction, and truly internalize the study, knowledge, understanding and compliance of discipline in their hearts and externalize them in their actions, and promote the study and education of party discipline in depth and in earnest with greater efforts and more practical measures.

In order to further help party members deepen their understanding of the importance of strengthening the party’s discipline construction and the positive and negative aspects of the harmfulness of ignoring and violating party discipline, Tan Tianniu, based on the people and things around him, deeply analyzed typical cases of violations of political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline. He pointed out that it is necessary to enhance the awareness of rules and disciplines and build a firm ideological defense line of abiding by laws and regulations. He hoped that comrades would truly learn the rules and regulations through these cases, draw a clear bottom line for being a person and doing things, and see through the consequences of violating rules, disciplines, and laws, and transform “cases seen in the eyes” into “warnings engraved in the heart”, and truly achieve General Secretary Xi Jinping’s requirements of “using power fairly, using power according to law, using power for the people, and using power honestly”, establish a correct view of power, political achievements, and career, and contribute to the acceleration of the construction of a world-class Nanjing University with Chinese characteristics with integrity and forge ahead.

Tan Tianniu pointed out that we are currently at an important stage of deepening the study and education of party discipline. He put forward three requirements for the second half of the article to consolidate responsibilities and do a good job in the study and education of party discipline: First, we must truly study the “Regulations” in depth, strengthen the characteristics of colleges and universities, insist on being good at doing things and fighting well, and strengthen the condensation of results; second, we must truly find out the problems in depth, carry forward the spirit of self-revolution, and carry out various forms of warning education; third, we must truly make deep changes to the rectification, resolutely overcome the coping mentality and the “outsider” consciousness, promote the normalization of party discipline education, and enrich the carriers of campus integrity culture construction.

Tan Tianniu emphasized that the study and education of party discipline is not a temporary achievement, but a lifelong subject throughout the life of party members. We must take the persistent and in-depth promotion of party discipline study and education as an important political task, take the unremitting strengthening of theoretical armament as a powerful political measure, take the consistent strengthening of warning education as an effective political weapon, integrate the study and education of party discipline into the central work and implement it in the “Forging Ahead Action”, so that party members of teachers and students can truly engrave the party constitution, party rules and party discipline in their hearts, internalize them into the daily unconscious code of conduct, learn the discipline, know the discipline, understand the discipline, and abide by the discipline, and effectively transform the learning results into the vivid practice of creating a world-class Nanjing University with Chinese characteristics.

The participants watched the warning education film together on the spot.

The meeting was chaired by Yang Zhong, executive deputy secretary of the Nanjing University Party Committee. Members of the university’s party and government leadership team, members of the university’s party committee, members of the university’s disciplinary committee, disciplinary inspection members of the party organizations at the college and department level, and middle-level and section-level cadres from the university attended the meeting.
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