Nanjing University’s Secretary Tan Tianniu Meets with New Youth League Committee Members


Staff member

On July 4, Nanjing University Party Secretary and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Tan Tianniu held a collective conversation with members of the university’s 21st Youth League Committee.

On behalf of the Party Committee of the University, Tan Tianniu congratulated the new members of the Youth League Committee of the University on their glorious election. He pointed out that the membership of the Youth League Committee is not only an identity, but also a heavy responsibility, carrying the trust and expectations of the majority of youth league members and the high hopes and trust of the Party Committee of the University; since the convening of the 20th Youth League Congress, especially the launch of the “Forging Ahead Action”, the Youth League Committee of the University has focused on its main responsibilities and duties, adhered to its responsibilities, and closely followed the decision-making and deployment of the Party Committee of the University, contacted, gathered, and led the youth league members of the University to create new achievements and set an example in ideological guidance, cultural immersion, youth science and technology innovation, volunteer service, and social practice, fully demonstrating the mission and responsibility of the youth of Nanjing University in the new era. In the journey of accelerating the construction of a world-class Nanjing University with Chinese characteristics, the Youth League organization has played a very good role in the past, is continuing to play an active role, and will play a greater role in the future. The Party Committee of the University has high hopes for the work of the Communist Youth League of Nanjing University and the youth of Nanjing University.

Tan Tianniu pointed out that the world is undergoing unprecedented changes at an accelerated pace, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is developing rapidly, the basic and strategic supporting role of educational and scientific talents is becoming more prominent, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process; from now until 2035, when modernization will be basically realized and by the middle of this century, when a modern socialist country will be fully built, everyone is in their prime, and their personal growth trajectory will resonate with the process of Chinese-style modernization; we should live up to the prosperous times when we are born, and strive for the right time when we are at the right time. Only by keeping in mind the “two overall situations” and keeping in mind the “major issues of the country”, and placing the work of the Communist Youth League of the school in the overall situation of the cause of the Party and the country for thinking and planning, can we better shoulder the mission and tasks entrusted by the Party in the new era and new journey, and show youthful actions, youthful style, and youthful strength in promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and strive to write a youthful chapter that takes responsibility for Chinese-style modernization.

Tan Tianniu emphasized that young teachers and students are the main force in building the “first NCU”, and the Communist Youth League is the bridge and bond between the Party and the vast number of young people. The new members of the school’s Youth League Committee should deeply understand and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on youth work and the spirit of the important letter to young scholars who have returned from studying abroad, unite and lead the youth of NCU to actively participate in the “Forging Ahead Action”, and earnestly follow the requirements of the school’s Party Committee and the deployment of the 21st Youth League Congress, clarify the direction, highlight the key points, adhere to the right path and innovate, and work hard, leading the Youth League organizations at all levels of the school to implement them, and promote the school’s Communist Youth League work to make new progress and reach a new level. He put forward four requirements to the new members of the school Youth League Committee: First, they must strengthen their ideals and beliefs, build a solid ideological foundation, be leaders in concentrating their minds and forging their souls, take political guidance as the primary task, accurately grasp the political direction, stand firm in political positions, and guide the majority of young league members to firmly support the “two establishments” and resolutely implement the “two safeguards”, and persist in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to arm their minds, guide their practice, and promote their work; second, they must focus on comprehensive growth, serve the overall development, and be contributors to the strengthening of the country and the prosperity of the school. They must set an example in professional learning, academic research, practical training, and other aspects, take the lead, demonstrate a self-confident, self-reliant, vigorous and capable spirit, and unite and drive the Youth League. Young members should be committed to serving the Party and the country, and move forward courageously, making due contributions to China’s modernization and the construction of the “first Nanjing University”; third, we must build strong grassroots organizations, serve as a bridge and link, and be practitioners who lay a solid foundation. We must continuously expand the grassroots coverage of the League organizations, pay attention to the unity of tangible coverage and effective coverage, achieve bottom-to-edge coverage, and effectively play the role of the League organizations as a bridge and link, provide good communication and services, tell the Party the warmth of the youth truthfully, and fully convey the warmth of the Party to the youth; fourth, we must adhere to strict governance of the League, strengthen our own construction, be a role model of strict self-discipline, enhance the “three qualities”, improve the “three forces”, break the “four tendencies”, vigorously strengthen team building, and comprehensively improve our ability to perform our duties.

The meeting was chaired by Lu Xiancai, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of the University. Jiao Ruihua, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Director of the Organization Department of the Party Committee and Director of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee, attended the meeting. Comrades from relevant departments such as the school office, the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee, and the Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee, as well as members of the 21st Youth League Committee of the University participated in the collective talk. At the meeting, Zhu Hanmo, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the University, reported on the convening of the 21st Congress of the Communist Youth League of Nanjing University, and the work plan to implement the requirements of the Party Committee of the University. Representatives of the new Youth League Committee of the University made exchanges.
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