In the brutal murder case of former AP Minister YS Viveka, who happens to be the uncle of Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan, Kadapa MP Avinash Reddy is facing serious allegations from the Central Bureau of Investigation. However, the Kadapa MP is absconding the CBI for various reasons and his arrest seemed to be imminent. But the political scenario is something we see changing rapidly, and even the Courts give shockers to society.
Telangana High Court has just a while ago granted anticipatory bail to MP Avinash Reddy and imposed conditions that he shouldn’t leave the country as well as attend before the CBI every Saturday for questioning. And the twist in the tale is that all these days Avinash is evading CBI saying that his mother is feeling unwell, as on May 19th he was supposed to attend questioning but with his mother Srilakshmi falling sick, he went back to Kurnool where she is getting treated at a local hospital. Later, she was shifted to Hyderabad’s AIG Hospital for advanced treatment, and this is the primary reason Avinash mentioned not attending before the investigation agency.
However, the moment he got bail, it was also announced that her mother is getting discharged from the hospital. What is real and what is drama is something that people are unable to identify at this given moment.
Telangana High Court has just a while ago granted anticipatory bail to MP Avinash Reddy and imposed conditions that he shouldn’t leave the country as well as attend before the CBI every Saturday for questioning. And the twist in the tale is that all these days Avinash is evading CBI saying that his mother is feeling unwell, as on May 19th he was supposed to attend questioning but with his mother Srilakshmi falling sick, he went back to Kurnool where she is getting treated at a local hospital. Later, she was shifted to Hyderabad’s AIG Hospital for advanced treatment, and this is the primary reason Avinash mentioned not attending before the investigation agency.
However, the moment he got bail, it was also announced that her mother is getting discharged from the hospital. What is real and what is drama is something that people are unable to identify at this given moment.