Monash University: Professor Jeff Walker Awarded $3.4M ARC Laureate Fellowship to Revolutionize Responses to Natural Disasters and Climate Change


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Professor Jeff Walker from Monash University’s Faculty of Engineering has been granted a prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellowship worth more than $3.4M.

His work aims to transform the way we predict and manage natural disaster events as a consequence of climate change, using near-space surveillance to produce real-time fire front and flood maps. This technology could provide early alerts to first responders and has the potential to save thousands of lives, among other applications.

It brings together research in aerospace engineering and data science, using high resolution passive microwave measurements from near-space to monitor landscapes for fire, flood and landslides.

“This fellowship funding provides me a unique opportunity to develop the next generation of space researchers, deliver impactful research for the benefit of society, and further position Australia as a leader in space research,” Professor Walker said.

“I am honoured and humbled for the recognition of Monash University and my team of collaborators for our contributions to earth observation research, a critical capability for Australia,” he said. “It is also a privilege to be listed among other highly esteemed colleagues.”

The Fellowship also ties to Professor Walker’s ongoing work with NASA, where he has been contributing to soil moisture satellite missions.

Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Mike Ryan, congratulated Professor Walker on the Fellowship.

“The ARC Laureate is one of the most prestigious Australian research awards. It’s great recognition of Professor Walker’s incredible research, and his work to use near-space surveillance with the goal to transform our response to natural disasters and climate change. His research embodies Monash’s commitment to research excellence and impact,” Professor Ryan said.

A total of $58.3M has been awarded to 17 Laureate Fellowships across Australia. The scheme aims to support senior researchers with their ground-breaking research to strengthen knowledge and facilitate leadership, mentoring and collaboration.
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