Just 18 GIFs That Sum Up My First Year as a Teacher



The first year of teaching can be a rollercoaster of emotions, challenges, and triumphs. There’s no way to fully capture this whirlwind experience, but these 18 GIFs come pretty close. From the never-ending paperwork to the joys of connecting with students, here’s a lighthearted look at my first year as a teacher.

1. The anticipation before the first day of school.

[Insert GIF of an excited person preparing for a big event]

2. The overwhelming amount of paperwork and lesson planning.

[Insert GIF of someone frantically shuffling through papers]

3. The sheer joy of finally getting my own classroom and being able to decorate it.

[Insert GIF of someone happily setting up their space]

4. The nerves that come with meeting parents for the first time during back-to-school night.

[Insert GIF of a nervous person trying to make a good impression]

5. Trying (and often failing) to control the chaos during group projects.

[Insert GIF of someone attempting to maintain order but struggling]

6. The feeling when my students finally understand a difficult concept.

[Insert GIF of a person proudly celebrating their accomplishment]

7. Staying late after school to grade papers and prep for the next day.

[Insert GIF of someone working diligently while others leave]

8. The inevitable exhaustion that comes with being a first-year teacher.

[Insert GIF of someone exhaustedly collapsing on their desk or bed]

9. Biting my tongue during countless staff meetings that seem to drag on forever.

[Insert GIF of a person silently enduring a long meeting]

10. Learning how much coffee and snacks are necessary for survival during the school day.

[Insert GIF of someone heavily relying on coffee or snacking throughout the day]

11. The pride I feel when my students perform well on tests or projects.

[Insert GIF of a teacher happily celebrating their students’ successes]

12. The horror of realizing I need to call or email a difficult parent.

[Insert GIF of someone apprehensively approaching a difficult conversation]

13. The thrill of finally getting through my first parent-teacher conference with flying colors.

[Insert GIF of a person celebrating a successful meeting or conversation]

14. The numerous times I doubted my ability to be a good teacher but persevered anyway.

[Insert GIF of someone questioning themselves but then pushing forward]

15. Mastering the art of classroom management – sometimes the hard way.

[Insert GIF of someone effectively handling various classroom challenges]

16. Laughing along with my students as we shared fun and heartwarming moments.

[Insert GIF of a teacher happily laughing with their class]

17. The satisfaction of making it through my first field trip without losing any students.

[Insert GIF of a relieved person wiping sweat from their brow]

18. The bittersweet feeling as the school year comes to an end and I say goodbye to my first group of students.

[Insert GIF of a person emotional over parting ways with others]


My first year as a teacher was filled with its fair share of ups and downs, but these 18 GIFs perfectly capture the whirlwind experience. While it wasn’t always easy, the highs far outweighed the lows, and I can confidently say I’ve grown both personally and professionally from this journey. Bring on year two!

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