Ranchi: Amid claims of paper leaks by students in the Jharkhand Public Service Examination, the government has refuted the claims of such unscrupulous activity at the examination centres. Notably, the proceedings at exam centers in Chatra and Jamtara districts were thrown off kilter by a bunch of anxious job aspirants this Sunday. They stated that the preliminary test paper for the Jharkhand Public Service Commission had been compromised.
A section of candidates who appeared for the examination at the Upendranath Verma Inter College in Chatra alleged that the seal of the question paper was broken at the principal’s office before the schedule.
Refuting these accusations, government officials have emphasized that the prelims for JPSC were indeed conducted strictly adhering to prescribed norms and regulations.
Alleging a paper leak, the students created a ruckus. On learning about the incident, Deputy Commissioner Ramesh Gholap and SP Vikas Pandey went to the centre and took stock of the situation.
Additional Collector Arvind Kumar, who was the nodal officer for the examination, said the allegations of the paper leak were baseless. About a dozen aspirants in an examination hall were creating a ruckus, he said, adding that it went peacefully in the eight other halls of the centre.
A section of aspirants at JJS College in Jamtara’s Mihijam also created a ruckus, alleging a paper leak. They claimed that the question paper for General Studies was opened before it reached the examination hall. Deputy Commissioner Kumud Sahay and Sub-Divisional Officer Anant Kumar visited the centre after receiving information about the incident.
Kumar said that there was no possibility of a paper leak but the allegations would be investigated. In January, the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) examination was cancelled as the question paper was leaked hours before the test, conducted by the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, was to start.
(With inputs from agencies)
A section of candidates who appeared for the examination at the Upendranath Verma Inter College in Chatra alleged that the seal of the question paper was broken at the principal’s office before the schedule.
Government Rejects Claims of Leak
Refuting these accusations, government officials have emphasized that the prelims for JPSC were indeed conducted strictly adhering to prescribed norms and regulations.
Alleging a paper leak, the students created a ruckus. On learning about the incident, Deputy Commissioner Ramesh Gholap and SP Vikas Pandey went to the centre and took stock of the situation.
झारखंड लोक सेवा आयोग द्वारा आयोजित 11,12,13th Pre परीक्षा भी हुई लीक
बड़े स्तर पर हुआ है कृपया संज्ञान लें
झारखंड में लगातार पेपर लीक हो रहे हैं
कैसे आप लोग से नहीं रोका जा रहा
— VIVEK KUMAR (@kmrvivek14)
Additional Collector Arvind Kumar, who was the nodal officer for the examination, said the allegations of the paper leak were baseless. About a dozen aspirants in an examination hall were creating a ruckus, he said, adding that it went peacefully in the eight other halls of the centre.
Jharkhand PCS ka paper leak
Centre pe without seal open Paper aur OMR mile
Ha bhai ye kyu peeche rhe
— PRIYANKA MISHRA(@prisanya12)
A section of aspirants at JJS College in Jamtara’s Mihijam also created a ruckus, alleging a paper leak. They claimed that the question paper for General Studies was opened before it reached the examination hall. Deputy Commissioner Kumud Sahay and Sub-Divisional Officer Anant Kumar visited the centre after receiving information about the incident.
Kumar said that there was no possibility of a paper leak but the allegations would be investigated. In January, the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) examination was cancelled as the question paper was leaked hours before the test, conducted by the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, was to start.
(With inputs from agencies)