Is it Legal to Pay Colleges to Let Your Kids In?


As parents, we all want the best for our children, and that often includes providing them with a quality education. For many, attending a prestigious university is the ultimate goal. However, with limited seats and high competition, gaining admission to such colleges can be tough, leading some to wonder if it’s legal to pay colleges to let your kids in.

To put it simply, it is illegal to bribe colleges to secure your child’s admission. Many high-profile cases have highlighted this, such as the college admissions scandal in 2019, where wealthy parents paid large sums of money to manipulate their children’s test scores or secure fake athletic scholarships. These actions are not only unethical but also illegal and can lead to hefty fines and even imprisonment.

In addition, most colleges have strict admission policies that are based on merit and not on financial bid. Colleges follow a rigorous application process that assesses a wide range of factors, including academic performance, test scores, extracurricular activities, personal essays, and recommendations. Any attempt to manipulate these criteria is against the law, as it undermines the integrity of the admission process and puts deserving students at a disadvantage.

While it’s not illegal to donate money to colleges, it’s essential to note that such contributions are not guarantees for admission. Colleges may consider donations as a factor in their admission decisions, but they must still follow strict guidelines to ensure transparency and fairness in the admission process. Such guidelines prohibit colleges from giving undue preference to any candidate based on the amount of money donated.

That said, some colleges offer a program known as ‘legacy admission,’ where children of alumni are given preference in admission. While this practice is legal, it has received criticism for perpetuating inequality and favoring wealthy families who have attended such colleges for generations.

In conclusion, paying colleges to secure admission for your child is not only illegal but also unfair to deserving students who work hard to earn their seats. While donating to colleges might be legal, it should not be seen as a way to buy admission. Instead, parents should encourage their children to put in the work required to earn a spot in their desired colleges, emphasizing the importance of hard work and integrity.

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