I believe that more minds need to understand and work on laws to govern emergency technology – Lynn Lazaro, Partner and Head of IP, Kochhar & Co


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Ma’am, as a conversation starter, please tell us reason behind you choosing law as a career?

I don’t come from a family of lawyers, so choosing law as a profession wasn’t the typical choice at the time. Law as a career played to my strengths. I was generally a curious child and I enjoyed reading, with a strong sense of self and wanting to do what’s right. Being a lawyer seemed like something I would enjoy for the rest of my life, and I still do 17 years later.

Could you please elaborate your role as a cross border IP transactional attorney?

I assist foreign businesses that want to protect their IP in India, from identifying their IP assets to developing a strategy on how to protect this IP. This could range from a simple trademark or patent filing to a complex contentious dispute. In the transactional space, I assist international companies doing business in India by helping them negotiate the purchase or license of their IP assets. IP law in India has certain nuances that differ from other jurisdictions, particularly with the transfer of IP assets from one entity to another. My experience with these types of transactions has allowed me to provide very specific advice to companies where innovation is part of their business structure.

How was your experience as a teaching assistant at La Trobe University? And what were your learnings from the same?

While I did my masters at university in Melbourne, I got a part time job as a teaching assistant in the same university. The role was to teach third year business students the Australian Corporations Law module. I would take the class with around 100 students in groups of 10-15 a class and go over their class work. It was pretty apparent from the start that these business students had no interest in law and were compelled to take the class as part of their business studies. So, I would set them interactive assignments, like play acting the cases that I needed them to remember. It was the most fun job I’ve had in my life. My biggest learning was not to take life too seriously and that work can be lots of fun.

What keeps you motivated at work?

Motivating oneself is simply perspective. You can look at it as long shifts and mental exhaustion or you can feel the satisfaction of helping a client or winning a case. I choose the latter and that motivates me to put my best foot forward every day. Another huge motivation for me is to explore areas of law that many are afraid to touch, like the Metaverse and AI related concerns. This isn’t brand new; I’ve been watching and learning about this space for a few years now. I believe that more minds need to understand and work on laws to govern emergency technology. I’m very excited for the future.

How do you spend your time off?

Like any other working parent, most of my time off is spent with my kids and their activities. It’s a balance of doing chores and spending time with the family. I have two daughters who will grow up to join other powerful women in the workforce. I am reminded daily of my duty to ensure that I lead by example.

Coming to last question, any advise you would like to give to the budding lawyer out there?

I’ve noticed lately that new graduates want jobs in one specific field of law right out of law school. Real world experience is needed for overall growth as a lawyer so my advice to new graduates would be to explore working in different fields of law initially before choosing to specialize in one or the other. Corporate law, in particular, is interconnected and an M&A lawyer with IP experience or a employment lawyer with some M&A experience would have an added advantage.

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