Tamil star Vikram’s upcoming film,Thangalaan is nearing completion. Directed by PA.Ranjith, the film is set in period time zone.
The movie has malavika Mohanan in the female lead role. Meanwhile, in a recent interview Malavika Mohanan opened up about her role in the movie. She said ‘I am pushing my body to look in certain way. For the role I play as a Fierce warrior woman, Its really challenging. I trained in Silambam, Gymnastics, basic kicks, jumps, rolling, landing etc’.
She further added that This is the toughest film in my career so far in terms of physical, mental & emotional endurance and confident that her hard work pays off for sure.
Produced by KE Gnanavel Raja under Studio Green production house, Thangalaan has its music composed by GV Prakash Kumar. The film is scheduled for early 2024 release.
The movie has malavika Mohanan in the female lead role. Meanwhile, in a recent interview Malavika Mohanan opened up about her role in the movie. She said ‘I am pushing my body to look in certain way. For the role I play as a Fierce warrior woman, Its really challenging. I trained in Silambam, Gymnastics, basic kicks, jumps, rolling, landing etc’.
She further added that This is the toughest film in my career so far in terms of physical, mental & emotional endurance and confident that her hard work pays off for sure.
Produced by KE Gnanavel Raja under Studio Green production house, Thangalaan has its music composed by GV Prakash Kumar. The film is scheduled for early 2024 release.