How to Move Teacher-Administrator Relationships Beyond Rivalry



A healthy and productive school environment requires positive relationships between teachers and administrators. Unfortunately, rivalry and power struggles can sometimes emerge, impacting both the staff dynamics and student learning. It is essential for both parties to recognize and work towards resolving these issues, fostering collaboration and understanding. This article will provide a practical guide on how to move teacher-administrator relationships beyond rivalry and create a harmonious school environment.

1. Establish Open Communication

Open communication is key to developing trust and mutual respect between teachers and administrators. Encourage regular meetings where both parties can openly discuss their concerns, suggestions, and needs without fear of judgment or repercussions. These meetings should focus on finding solutions rather than assigning blame.

2. Engage in Collaborative Decision-Making

A top-down approach leads to increased resentment among teachers who feel their opinions are not valued by administrators. Involving teachers in crucial decision-making processes can help reduce this tension and create a more cooperative work environment. Administrators should genuinely seek input from teachers, while teachers should actively participate in these discussions.

3. Offer Professional Development Opportunities

One of the sources of rivalry can be a lack of understanding about each other’s roles or an unwillingness to grow and adapt professionally. To overcome this challenge, promote professional development courses that provide insight into effective teaching methods, leadership skills, and educational theories that are relevant to both administrators and teachers.

4. Recognize Each Other’s Efforts

Acknowledge the hard work done by both teachers and administrators with regular praise, appreciation, or rewarding activities such as teacher appreciation week or team-building events to strengthen bonds among staff members.

5. Practice Empathy

It’s crucial for both parties to empathize with each other’s struggles, challenges, and achievements. This means putting ourselves in their shoes and considering their perspective when making decisions or addressing issues—recognizing that they are doing their best given the circumstances.

6. Develop a Shared Vision

Creating a shared vision for the school can help build camaraderie among teachers and administrators by giving them a common goal to work towards. This vision should be developed collaboratively and be based upon input from both parties so that it reflects their joint aspirations for the school.

7. Encourage Teamwork

Teachers and administrators should engage in collaborative projects, committees, or task forces, either within the school or as part of a larger community. These opportunities can help demonstrate the importance of working together to achieve common objectives.


By implementing these strategies, teachers and administrators can move beyond rivalry and work together as a unified team focused on improving the learning environment for students. Foster open communication, encourage collaboration, show empathy and appreciation for one another’s efforts, and develop a shared vision as the foundation for a harmonious, productive relationship in your school community.

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