How I Teach Map Skills Through Amusement Park Design


When it comes to teaching map skills, it’s essential to find creative and engaging ways to help students grasp the concepts. One of the most effective methods I’ve discovered is through amusement park design. In this article, I’ll share how I teach map skills using this unique approach and the benefits both my students and I have experienced as a result.

Incorporating Amusement Park Design into Map Lessons

To begin, I divide my students into small teams and assign each team a specific area within the amusement park – such as food, rides, or attractions. From there, each group is tasked with developing its designated section of the park.

They must create a detailed map of their area, complete with symbols, labels, and a legend. The students are encouraged to make their section visually appealing while also utilizing various mapping techniques learned in class.

Collaboration and Real-World Applications

By working in teams, the students learn valuable collaboration skills as they must communicate effectively with their group members. They also gain an understanding of how mapping can be applied in real-life scenarios – critical knowledge for any student looking to enter careers involving geography or urban planning.

Since amusement parks are typically fun and exciting places that students enjoy visiting, incorporating them into map lessons captures their interest. When students are motivated and engaged, they retain information more efficiently and often develop a passion for learning new subjects.

Developing Spatial Awareness and Problem-Solving Skills

The amusement park design project helps to develop spatial awareness and problem-solving abilities in my students. As they work on designing their assigned sections of the park, they must consider how all of the elements fit together – from pedestrian pathways to ride locations – while balancing aesthetics, safety, and functionality.

This process requires students to apply critical thinking skills as they evaluate various concerns from the perspective of an amusement park designer. As a result, they learn the importance of map interpretation, spatial reasoning, and effective decision-making.

Connecting Different Subjects

Another advantage of using amusement park design as a teaching tool is that it allows me to incorporate knowledge from other subject areas. For instance, students can create promotional material or advertising campaigns for their park sections, incorporating persuasive language from Language Arts lessons. They can also discuss safety concerns or environmental sustainability in relation to their park designs, connecting to Science and Social Studies topics.


Incorporating amusement park design into my map skills lessons has proven to be a highly effective and engaging teaching strategy. By drawing on the excitement associated with amusement parks, I have been able to capture the attention and imagination of my students, leading to a deeper understanding of map skills, cooperative learning, real-world applications, and the connection of different subjects. This method demonstrates how creative teaching techniques can significantly enhance students’ learning experiences and overall educational outcomes.

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