Gender diversity on boards in India : all you need to know


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This article has been written by Deeksha Rastogi, pursuing Diploma in Technology Law, Fintech Regulations and Technology Contracts ( JAN-01-2023 ) and has been edited by Oishika Banerji (Team ).


Company’s board of directors is the main element for influencing corporate governance. Over the years the stakeholder’s trustworthiness and expectation has increased with the introduction of the concept of independent directors by the . Apart from this, it has also added a female chair on the board. Women on boards is not about women’s rights, but an inclusion of people with different perspectives, diverse experience and the right combination of skills which result in better decision making for the corporation. Women representation brings in a different perspective, intuitiveness, and a more collaborative style of leadership into corporate boardrooms. These factors, combined made it necessary for policy makers and women right activists across the globe to either adopt mandatory legislation or voluntary persuasion for boasting women representation on key managerial positions of corporations. This article discussed the need for gender diversity on boards in India in current times, thereby covering all essential aspects included in the same.

Need for gender diversity in boards​

Attitude matters more than the regulation​

It is apparent that having a law requiring some mandatory minimum level of female board representation is effective in causing companies to fulfil at least the minimum criteria. There has been a debate among the academicians on the relevance of mandatory provisions over moral persuasion.

Countries Sweden, Finland, U.S. have no obligatory quotas for inclusion of women on board but their willingness to comply with the soft laws has significantly improved their men to women ratio on board. Their attitude towards attaining gender neutral boards has brought a remarkable change. They have adopted national campaigns and organisation led awareness programmes which has accelerated the growth of women representation in the corporations.

Then comes the countries who have a traditional viewpoint with respect to gender diversification. Countries like have strict gender roles with respect to men and women. China, Japan, South Korea and Russia fit these criteria. They have fewer women directors on boards. Contrasting to this, countries like India, Norway have made hard laws for representation of women with penalties to maintain a minimum threshold of women directors on corporate boards, or a mandate to furnish justifications in case of non-compliance.

Legal framework in India promoting gender diversity in boards​

If the is brought to view, read with and itself clarifies that women representation is equally significant like the men in any workplace whatsoever. While Article 14 guarantees equal protection of law and equality before law, Article 19 lists a set of freedoms that are applicable to individuals irrespective of their gender. Following this, Article 21 of the Indian Constitution deals with the right to dignified life and personal liberty, which along with 14 and 19, forms the golden triangle of the Indian Constitution, thereby establishing supremacy of law. Therefore, every legislation that comes into existence, has to abide by the fundamental principles laid down by the mother of all legislations, the Indian Constitution.

India in order to honour its commitment towards the has adopted a mandatory framework to increase participation of women in executive positions. The Companies Act, 2013 and the incorporate the rule for appointment of a woman board member.

of the Companies Act, 2013 read with states that every listed company and every public company either having paid up capital of Rs. 100 crore or more or a turnover of Rs. 300 crore or more should appoint at least one women director on its Board. This was further strengthened by introducing of the Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligation Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

The regulation ensures appointment of a women director. It states that the composition of the board of directors of listed entities shall have an optimum combination of executive and non-executive directors with at least one women director and not less than fifty per cent of the board of directors shall comprise non-executive directors. It was further clarified that the Board of directors of the top 500 and 1000 entities shall have at least one independent women director by April 1, 2019 and April 1, 2020 respectively. The top 500 and 1000 entities are determined on the basis of market capitalization at the end of the immediate previous year.

Directorship data of India and abroad​

Traditionally, the only positions available to women on boards were leadership in the grievance and Corporate Social Responsibility committees. However, this has started to change and a legislative push seems to be working. Gender diversity on boards is increasing in Indian Incs. The report on released by on 17th October, 2022 validates the aforesaid progress. The high points of the reports are as follows:

  • Significant increase in women representation on board in the year 2013-2022 from 6% to 18%. It has tripled in ten years.
  • Almost 95% of NIFTY500 companies have one female board member, up from 69% in 2017.
  • With a 24% women representation on board, the life sciences has taken the lead, followed by the Media & Entertainment sector.
  • The Technology (IT & ITeS) industry has one of the highest female representation at 34%. It has also increased from 1.19 to 1.75 in 2017- 2022.
  • Growth in women representation remained stagnant at 15% in the Energy & Utilities sector (Oil & Gas and Power & Utilities) in the year 2017-2022.
  • Historically, women on Indian boards were in the leadership in grievance and Corporate Social Responsibility committee. However, it has started to change.
  • Women account for only 6% of executive positions in banking and capital market boards.

The Equilieap in its 6th Gender Equality Global Report disclosed that the UK based drink supplier Diageo is the second highest placed firm in a study of global gender equality which makes France to be the best country overall for gender equality. Australian property developer Mirvac tops the list with a 79% gender equality score. The progress was reckoned on the basis of 19 gender equality criteria such as gender pay gap, gender balance from the board to the workforce, policies related to sexual harassment and sexual leave, remained uneven across the globe.

The report found that the women in top leadership positions were still very rare. Only 6% of companies globally had a female Chief Executive Officer, 15% had a female Chief Financial Officer, and 8% had a female chair on the board. Women represented 28% of board members and 20% of executives but 38% of the total workforce. Only 18 companies globally achieved 40-60% of women at all levels (board, executive, management and workforce). The best markets for corporate gender equality were rated as France, Spain, Italy, Norway, the UK and Australia; in contrast the US, Japan and Hong Kong had the lowest average score globally.

It has been observed that either through soft laws or awareness the policy makers have rolled the stones for appointment on board but the male members look out for their fellow male members at the time of promotion and the cycle continues leaving behind the competent female member. Now that the appointment of a women director has become mandatory, there is another practice of giving the chair to their immediate female relatives. Mainly for the sake of compliance she is appointed as a symbolic director. This defeats the purpose of law.

Implementing gender diversity in workplaces​

Booming economy and cultural change is bringing women to the workforce but the women oriented challenges such as child birth, relocation with spouse, maternity etc. It would not be out of place to point out that there exists a separation of work for men and women, particularly in our Indian culture, which makes it difficult to make a balance between professional and personal life. It is the combined effort of all the people which makes a woman successful. So the biggest challenge vests with the organisation is to retain their employees by providing a congenial, progressive and supportive environment for them to flourish.

The organisations can strive to improve this discrimination in gender by providing women employees flexible working options in order to maintain their work-life balance. It should adopt full transparency and disclosure when it comes to appointment, promotion and remuneration. Corporations should appoint independent directors, free from any ties with any of the directors, thereby giving them all the authority to make bold and independent decisions. More women should be appointed at all levels in the corporation to have a balanced atmosphere within the organisation.

Their appointment in the major committees such as remuneration and nomination committee, stakeholder relationship committee, audit committee not only portrays a positive message to the shareholder and investors but encourages other female employees at the workplace.

The government, organisations, NGOs should organise programmes educating women about their role as a director. One such program has been initiated by Mr. Arun Duggal and Ms. Anjali Bansal in association with in 2013. They have sketched ’ to educate women members about the nitty gritties of boardrooms. The program upskill women members from various fields to take up board positions. It is designed in a way to educate them about the screening process, board meetings and their role, responsibilities and liabilities as a director, prepare them for board meetings, and tutor some soft skills required to succeed as a board member. The corporation should also look beyond the conventional talents while making appointments and promotions.


Even though a country like India has adopted a legal route to regulate diversity in its boardroom, the corporation and the members holding executive positions should abstain from practising favouritism and biases. Appointing immediate female relatives to the position serves their two fold purposes – act as a puppet of the rest of the members and fulfils the legal requirement. The law should be accepted and applied in its spirit. The essence of the law is to cut the first turf by mandating appointment of at least one woman member to the board. The corporation should strive to give importance to talent over gender. There is no “one size fits all” solution to increase gender diversity, each region has different levels of societal acceptance for gender equality, and regulation would have different impacts in each region. The time has come that the women should not be treated as another gender but should be recognized from their skill and competency keeping aside the gender.


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