From Acceptance to Arrival: Practical Strategies to Address Summer Melt in Higher Education


Summer melt – the alarming drop in enrollment between acceptance and actual arrival on campus – is a growing concern in . It undermines hard-earned gains in recruitment, wastes resources, and leaves students adrift. Fortunately, proactive strategies can combat this trend, bridging the gap between acceptance and arrival.

1.Personalized Communication: Regular, personalized communication is key. Don’t just rely on generic emails. Connect with students through phone calls, text messages, and even social media. Offer support with , housing, and course registration, and personalize communication based on their individual needs.

2.Bridging the Gap: Summer bridge programs, offering academic support, campus orientation, and social integration, are crucial. These programs help students acclimate to college life, build confidence, and establish a sense of belonging.

3.Clear Expectations and Resources: Provide students with clear expectations about deadlines, enrollment procedures, and required documentation. Offer online platforms and FAQs to answer common questions. Make resources easily accessible, including financial aid resources, disability services, and support.

4.Targeted Outreach: Identify students at risk of summer melt through data analysis and targeted outreach. Reach out to students who are not actively engaging with your institution, and provide them with personalized support and encouragement.

5.Leverage Technology: Use technology to streamline communication, track student engagement, and personalize outreach. Utilize platforms that facilitate communication, answer common questions, and offer personalized support.

Addressing summer melt requires a multifaceted approach. By implementing these strategies, institutions can foster a sense of community, empower students, and ultimately increase enrollment and student success. This investment in student engagement will ultimately contribute to a more inclusive and welcoming campus experience.

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