Formative Assessment 2024, check FA Tools, Marks, Grades & Guidelines for Schools


FA Tools Marks & Grades Guidelines: As per the instructions of the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Telangana State, the children’s performance of Class 1st to 8th under Formative Assessment I should be recorded as per its schedule.

Therefore the Mandal Educational Officers are directed to issue the instructions to all the Head Masters of Primary, Upper Primary, and High Schools to record the children’s performance under Formative Assessment – I as per its dates and obtain the Formative Assessment – I data school wise.

Formative assessment Assessment for English Subject: Formative assessment can be interpreted as assessment for learning and assessment as learning which is distinct from summative assessment of learning. Guidelines for Formative Assessment.

Formative Assessment FA Tools Marks & Grades Guidelines

Formative Assessment FA Tools Marks & Grades Guidelines

4 Tools in FA​

There are four tools in formative assessment.

FA ToolMarks (1s to 5th)Marks (6th to 10th
Read and Reflect10 Marks5 Marks
Written works 10 Marks 5 Marks
Project works 10 Marks 5 Marks
Slip test20 Marks 5 Marks
(Note: 20 marks convert into 5 Marks)
4 Tools in FA

Note: Each tool carries 5 marks.

The Assessment​

Language learning is a continuous process. Assessment is not an activity distinct from learning. Since learning is facilitated through group discussions, pair discussions and individually, assessment also operates at the individual level, in peers and in groups.

This will help the learners to compare their strengths and weaknesses and make modifications in their learning.

We propose Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment at all levels of language learning. CCE is an attempt to shift from rote-learning to constructing knowledge and applying it as and when required. CCE is an ongoing process and is an integral part of the lesson.

At every point of classroom transaction, we will have to assess what the child has learnt for which the same activities that are used for teaching / learning are used.

The questions in the examination paper shall not simply be based on information given in the textbooks but shall create slots for the learner to use language in a meaningful way applying what she has learnt.

So ‘mugging up’ by the student will not be of any use to him or her. NCF 2005, SCF 2011 and RTE 2009 have emphasized the importance of implementing CCE where all assessments have to take place in a non-threatening atmosphere without causing any burden on the learners.

The thrust is on formative aspects of learning instead of relying on a single paper-pencil test at the end of the academic year.

Assessment has to take care of developing all the innate potential of the learners to the fullest extent. The thrust is on the formative assessment which can be interpreted as assessment for learning and assessment as learning which are distinct from summative assessment of learning.

It is important that the teacher does not judge the child’s nature, instead notices the inherent potential of the child as a learner in the context of his / her nature.

A truly professional teacher needs to be patient, innovative and assess his / her pupils’ progress in every period in each class and give proper feedback to each and every pupil so that language acquisition takes place in a smooth, natural and non-conscious manner.

Types of Assessment​

If CCE is implemented, There are two types of assessment. These are: 1. Formative Assessment, 2. Summative Assessment

Guidelines for Formative Assessment​

Formative assessment is done based on four tools that cover all the language competencies (academic standards). These are:

  1. Observation (children’s participation and responses during classroom transaction).
  2. Written Work
  3. Project Work
  4. Slip Test

Teacher has to assess the performance of the learners for each term. This is not a single day activity; it is a cumulative account of what has happened in day- to-day classroom transaction.

Criteria for awarding marks under each tool​

If CCE is implemented), (a) Observation: The oral performance of children related to classroom activities which cover the academic standards /learning outcomes (listening and speaking, reading comprehension and oral discourses) and their indicators should be considered while awarding marks.

(b) Written Work: The written performance of children related to conventions of writing, vocabulary, grammar and written discources should be considered (including the exercises in the textbook). Marks should be awarded based on the indicators.

(c) Projects: The oral and written performance of children which cover all the academic standards / learning outcomes should be considered while awarding marks in various stages i.e. planning, execution, analysis and interpretation of data, report writing and presentation with feedback.

(d) Slip Test: This test should be conducted without giving any prior notice to children. This test should cover the targeted discourses (by taking two / four targeted discourses in each formative assessment). This practice will help children in attempting the written discourses in Summative Tests successfully.

The following will provide the evidences for awarding marks in formative assessment: Teacher’s unit cum period plan that reflect children’s performance. Self – Assessment tools given in the TB for the use of learners.

Student portfolio (Collection of the work done by the individual learner) Notebooks of children (written discourses and homework) Textual exercises carried out by children Products evolved in groups through collaboration Scripts of Slip Test

1. Read and Reflect:​

Reading is one of the major inputs for language development. If we do not go for some kind of focused interventions to facilitate reading skills, students will be reading their textbooks only. (Earlier, it so happened that students did not read even the text books, but depended upon question banks).

There should be a mechanism to ensure that students are reading materials other than the textbook, develop their own perceptions on such materials and come out with their own reflections on the reading experience both orally and in writing.

How to facilitate reading:​

  • The teacher is suggested to provide reading materials such as library books, magazines, articles, stories, newspapers, etc. for a formative period (there are four formatives in an academic year).
  • The learners should read the reading materials and write their reflections in their notebook.
  • They will also be asked to present their reading experience orally (without looking at the notebook) before the class.

Oral indicators:​

We may use indicators such as stating the context, sequencing of ideas, well-formed sentences, proper articulation for assessing the oral performance.

The teacher should check the written notes of the children and award marks for individual writing based on the indicators related to writing which are included the academic standards.

Written indicators:​

We can go for a few manageable indicators such as states the context, sequencing of ideas, well-formed sentences, personal opinions, punctuations, and spelling. The length of writing should be at least 100-120 words (10-12 sentences)

  • Both oral and written performance carry 5 marks each.
  • The average marks should be consolidated to 5 marks.
  • Don’t discourage the learners if they commit any errors in their writing. However, positive feedback may be given.
  • The child has to read the different discourses for every Formative Assessment.
  • The teacher can provide the source for reading material or encourage the children to search the material on their own.

2. Written Works:​

The written works include the discourses written individually as part of classroom process, the answers to the analytical questions assigned to the learners as home task, the textual exercises such as vocabulary, grammar and study skills. Teachers have to ensure that children are writing individually and not by copying from others. TS, Hyderabad

3. Project Work:​

Every unit contains a project work to be carried out by the students; every student should carry out one project for one formative.

No need to carry out all the projects given in the textbook. If there are three projects given in the textbook for a formative, the teacher is to write the titles of these on the blackboard and ask the students to select one among these.

Projects help the students to evolve themselves as independent users of the language. Project work provides a platform for integrating language skills and various study skills; it also involves higher order thinking skills.

The learners have to explore the theme by collecting data, consolidating it using different formats, write reports on them and make presentations in the whole class.

There is space for individual work, pair work and also group work. In addition to the projects suggested in the textbook, teachers can go more projects related to the themes that are dealt with Process.

Projects take place in various stages such as:​

  • Brainstorming on the nature of the project,
  • Designing tools for the collection of data,
  • Collecting the data,
  • Consolidating the data using different formats,
  • Analysis and Interpretation of the data,
  • Report writing,
  • Presentation.

Awarding marks:​

The project carries 7 marks for the written work (preparation of tools 2; a collection of data and analysis-2, report writing-3) and 3 marks for presentation of the report.

Consider the indicators (written and oral) holistically and award total marks accordingly. No need to award item wise marks in the project.

Note: out of ‘4’ projects, one project should be a group project.Teacher Handbook. Formative Assessment FA Tools Marks & Grades Guidelines

4. Slip Tests​

Slip test is more or less similar to summative assessment but it is still different in terms of the following:

  • There is no prior notice for conducting the slip test.
  • It is done in a limited time (say, in a regular period of about 40 minutes).
  • There are only limited numbers of tasks.
  • The discourses that have been done in the formative period are considered for slip test.
  • There is no printed question paper. The teacher can write the tasks on a chart and display it or write the questions on the BB.
  • There should be one discourse, one passage for reading comprehension and one item from Vocabulary & Grammar.
  • The slip tests should cover the discourses to prepare the students for summative tests.
  • The teacher should record the slip test marks in a register and should be consolidated the marks during every formative period.
  • Ensure that children do the tasks individually.
  • Assess the written performance and provide feedback to the learners.
  • The award marks based on indicators that are included in the academic standards under written discourses.
  • Record marks in the cumulative record.

The table given below show the marks awarded for each area covered under

The formative assessment.​

1. Comprehension passage – 5 marks
2. Vocabulary and Grammar – 5 marks
3. Discourse- 10 marks (Major discourse)
1. Comprehension passage- 5 marks
2. Grammar- 5 marks
3. Vocabulary- 5marks
4. Discourse- 5 marks (Minor discourse)

FA Marks Allotment​

Formative Assessment Marks allotment for Primary Classes

1. Children participation and reflection -10 Marks

  • For languages – Read any book other than the textbook and write a report,
  • Mathematics – prepare own problems and solution,
  • Science – prepare lab report on an experiment done by him/her
  • Social – Express opinions on contemporary issues

2. The project works -10 Marks: Any other suitable tool may be developed by teacher preparation and presentation of Projects, Model making, art, paintings, etc..

3. Written works- 10 Marks: Own expressions in notebooks, field observation, data collection and analysis reports, creative writings, etc..

4. Slip test- 20 Marks: Slip test should be conducted on selected Academic Standards. There is no need to conduct a slip test in a specified timetable like our conventional unit test examinations. It is informal in nature teacher has, freedom to conduct slip test in his regular classroom transaction Total- 50 marks.

Formative Assessment FA Tools, Marks, Grades and Guidelines:​

FA Tools

The following assessment tools should be used for formative assessment:

Assessment ToolMarks for I to V ClassesMarks for VI to X Classes
Children participation and Responses105
Written items of children105
Children Projects and Project reports105
Children written expression(Slip Test)205
Formative Assessment FA Tools Marks

CCE Grading​

Grade, Grade Points and Marks: Grade Marks in Languages Marks in Non-languages Grade points for Common Exam System

GradeMarks50 MarksGrade Points
Grading for Formative Assessment

Grading for I to V classes Formative Assessment:​

Percentage Grade=100 Marks
Grading for I to V classes Formative Assessment
10 MarksGrade20 MarksGrade50 MarksGrade
10A+19 – 20A+46-50A+
08 – 09A15 – 18A36-45A
06 – 07B+11 – 14B+26-35B+
5B09 -10B21-25B
0-4C0 – 8C0-20C
Grading for I to V classes Formative Assessment

Grading for VI to VIII classes Formative Assessment:​

Grading for 5 Marks Marks Range

Marks RangeGrade
4.5 – 5.0A1
4.0 – 4.5A2
3.5 – 4.0B1
3.0 – 3.5B2
2.5 – 3.0Cl
2.0 – 2.5C2
1.5 – 2.0D
0 – 1.5E
Grading for VI to VIII classes Formative Assessment

Grading for 20 Marks

Marks Range Grade
18.5 – 20A1
12.5 -14B2
07 – 08D
7 belowE
Grading for VI to VIII classes Formative Assessment

1. CCE New Grading Smart Table for Teachers
2. TS Schools PS Formative Assessment I Model Question Papers and Time Table
3. TS Schools Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment Exams Time Table
4. FA and SA Details
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