Entitle Points 2024 for TG Teachers Transfers, How to calculate?


TG Teachers Transfers Entitle Points 2024 or TG Teachers Transfers Points 2024 to be calculated as the the Transfers Orders i.e., Teacher Transfers Rules under Rule 6.

Here we are providing the information for how to calculate Entitle Points: We know that already the transfer and promotion schedule has been released.

The seniority list plays a significant role in counseling. This list includes names according to the points entitled to various categories of schools. General Information Of TEACHERS TRANSFERS.

Entitlement points are a crucial aspect of the teacher transfer process in Telangana. These points are used to determine the eligibility of teachers for transfers and promotions, and they are based on various factors such as seniority, qualifications, and performance.

One of the key factors that determines entitlement points for teachers in Telangana is seniority.

Teachers who have been working in the state for a longer period of time will generally have more entitlement points than those who have been working for a shorter period.

This is because seniority is considered to be an important indicator of experience and expertise.

Another important factor that determines entitlement points for teachers in Telangana is qualifications. Teachers who have higher qualifications, such as a master’s degree or a PhD, will generally have more entitlement points than those who have only a bachelor’s degree.

This is because higher qualifications are seen as evidence of a teacher’s commitment to professional development and their ability to provide quality education to students.

Entitle Points for teachers transfers 2023

Entitle Points for teachers transfers 2024

Entitle Points for TG Teachers Transfers 2024​

Name of the pointsEntitle Points for TG Teachers Transfers 2024
TitleHow to calculate Entitle Points for Telangana Teachers Transfers 2024
SubjectTS DSE released the Guidelines for Entitle Points for TG Teachers Promotions 2024
Transfers 2023
Education portal
TG Teachers Transfers Entitle Points 2024

Performance is also a key factor in determining entitlement points for teachers in Telangana. Teachers who have demonstrated a high level of performance in their teaching duties will generally have more entitlement points than those who have not.

This is because performance is considered to be an important indicator of a teacher’s effectiveness and ability to improve student learning outcomes.

In conclusion, Entitlement points play a crucial role in the teacher transfer process in Telangana. These points are used to determine the eligibility of teachers for transfers and promotions, and they are based on various factors such as seniority, qualifications, and performance.

By understanding these factors and how they are used to determine entitlement points, teachers in Telangana can better plan for their professional development and career advancement.

Teachers Transfer Points​

Teachers Transfers Points 2024 details are provided here. Teachers who want to participate in Telangana Teachers Transfers stream, can check TS Transfers Service Points, TS Transfers Special Points, TG Teachers Transfers Category Points, spouse points and unmarried points from here. Entitlements points for total service: Per Month is 0.041 and Per Year is 0.492.

a. TG Teachers Transfers Category Points​

Month/ YearService Points
Per month0.041
Per year0.492
TG Teachers Transfers Category Points

b. TG Teachers Transfers Category Points​

CategoryPer YearPer month
Category 110.083
Category 220.16
Category 330.25
Category 450.416
Category Points for Telangana Teachers Transfers

c. TS Transfers Special Points​

Union Leaders10
Un Married Female10
PHC & Others (40 % – 70%)Priority Given
National Awardees15
State Awardees10
SSC Results(2.5 Points ( 100 % ) , 2 Points ( 95 % – 99 % ) , 1 Point ( 90 % – 94 % )
Resource Persons5 Points ( State Level) , 4 Points ( District Level ) , 2 Points (Mandal Level )
Special Points for Telangana Teachers Transfers

Preferential Categories​

Sl. No.Categories
Not less than 70 % VH ,OH,HH Challenged Persons
Diseased Persons Like
1. Cancer
2. Open heart Surgery
3. Neuro -Surgery
4. Bone – TB
5. Kidney / Leaver / Heart Transplantant
Dependent Children
1. MR
2. Lukemia
3. Holes in the Heart
4. Jevenile Diabetes
Preferential Categories for Telangana Teachers Transfers

How to calculate Entitle Points for Telangana Teachers Transfers?​

Entitlement points are used to determine the transfer eligibility of teachers in the Indian state of Telangana. The calculation of entitlement points for teacher transfers in Telangana is based on a specific set of criteria, including:

  1. Service seniority: Teachers are awarded points based on their length of service in the education department.
  2. Qualifications: Additional points may be awarded for higher educational qualifications, such as a master’s degree.
  3. Spouse Points: If the teacher’s spouse is working in the same district or within a certain radius of the desired transfer location, they will be awarded additional points.
  4. Special categories: If the teacher belongs to a certain category such as single women, differently-abled, minority, etc. they will be awarded additional points.
  5. Medical grounds: If the teacher is suffering from certain medical conditions, they may be awarded additional points.

The exact calculation of entitlement points for teacher transfers in Telangana may vary depending on the specific rules and regulations set by the state government.

It’s best to check the Telangana Government’s official website or contact the concerned department for the most up-to-date information on the calculation of entitlement points.

  • Entitlement Points: Points for Teachers Transfers are based on Total Service Rendered & Category of Post.
  • Service rendered points: All Teachers get 0.041 points for Every Completed Month of their Service.
  • Category points: Category I: (20% or above *HRA* places) 1 point for Yearly (or) 0.083 point for the month
  • Category II: (14.5% *HRA* places) 2 points for Yearly (or) 0.16 points for the month
  • Category III: (12% *HRA* places) 3 points for Yearly (or) 0.25 points for the month
  • Category IV: (12% *HRA* places, Which has no transportation as per norms of panchayat raj Deportment ) 5 points for Yearly (or) 0.416 points for month

Example: If the Service is 3 years and 2 months, the post is in category III
Service points = 38 months X 0.041 points = 1.558 points
Category of place points = 38 months X 0.25 points = 9.5 points
Total points = 1.558 Service points + 9.5 Category of place points = 11.058 Entitle Points

Preferential Categories: The following categories shall take precedence in the seniority list, in the order given below, irrespective of their entitlement points.

a. Physically handicapped: i.e., those with not less than 70% Visually challenged / ortho-handicap./ Hearing Impaired has to produce SADAREM Certificate or Medical Board certificate. b. Widows. c. Legally separated women and not remarried.

d. Head Master, Gr II (Gazetted) / Teacher who is suffering from the following diseases, in which he/she is undergoing treatment:
I. Cancer.
II. Open Heart Surgery.
III. Neuro-Surgery.
IV. Bone T.B.
V. Kidney / Liver/ Heart Transplantation.

e. Applicants with dependent children who are mentally retarded/ suffering from Leukaemia (Blood Cancer) and are undergoing treatment. How to Calculate Entitle Points

f. Applicants’ Children suffering from holes in the heart by birth and undergoing medical treatment available only at specified places to which they are seeking transfers. Applicants with dependent children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes.

Special Points (Extra Points )​

a. The President and General Secretary of the Teachers’ Associations having OD facility in terms at the State and District Levels are eligible for ten (10) points.

b. Ten (10) points for un-married Head Mistress, Gr II / Female Teacher.

c. Ten (10) points for Head Master Gr II (Gazetted) / Teacher, whose spouse is working in State Government or Central Government or Public Sector undertaking or Local Body or Aided Institution in the same District and opted for transfer nearer to and towards the place of working of his/her spouse, benefit of spouse points shall be applicable to the Head Master Gr II (Gazetted) once in (5) years and Teachers once in (8) years.

An entry shall be made in this regard in the Service Book. A copy of the Certificate issued by the competent authority shall be enclosed to the checklist to consider cases under this category.

Rationalization Points​

a) For the Teachers who are affected by the rationalization process, they are eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured. The Teachers who have completed (8) years service are not eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured.

b) The Teachers who were transferred during the last counseling and could not be relieved for want of substitute shall be relieved forthwith if posts exist after rationalization. If a post does not exist after rationalization, he/she shall participate in transfer counseling and is entitled for (5) additional points.

Performance Related Extra Entitlement Points​

a) The Teachers who have got National award issued by the Central Government will get (15) and who have got State award issued by the State Government will get (10) points respectively. He/she is eligible for only one category whichever is highest. How to Calculate Entitle Points

b) Entitlement points for Performance : (i) Results of SSC in concerned subject for Teachers and overall percentage to HMs for High Schools only :
For 100% Results – 2.5 points.
For 99% to 95% Results – 2 points.
For 94% to 90% Results – 1 Point.

ii) Resource persons conducted training programs of SSA or RMSA for the last three years.
State-level – 5 points.
District level – 4points.
Mandal level – 2 points.

Provided that they should enclose a Certificate issued by the District Educational Officer in respect of State and District level training and Project Officer, RVM in respect of Mandal level training. NOTE: This is only for Awareness, Guidelines may have Some changes.

How to know yours entitle points? GO.12, Dt:16-06-2015: The Teacher Transfers Rules – Rule 6: Entitle Points. By the clear glance of the below instructions, you will get a complete idea and you can personally calculate your points without any and strain.

How to Calculate Entitle Points: School Points: 1. IV category Schools: Teachers working in IV category schools get 5 points for a 1-year service in that school or 0.416 for every month.

2. II category Schools: Teachers working in III category schools gets 3 points for 1-year service in that school and 0.25 for every completed month.

3. III category Schools: Teachers working in II category schools gets 2 points for 1-year service in that school and 0.16 for every completed month.

4. IV category Schools: Teachers working in I category schools gets 1 point for 1-year service in that school and 0.083 for every completed month.
Note: The IV category schools will be declared by the collector.

5. Unions presidents: 10 points will be allotted to teachers different state unions presidents, secretaries those who avail the on-duty facility.
6. Un-married teachers:
10 points will be entitled to un-married teachers.

7. Wife and husband: 10 points will be entitled to one of them in wife and husband if one of them is a state employee and the other is a central employee.
a) H.Ms can avail of these points once for 5 years.
b) Teachers can avail of these points once for 8 years.

8. Rationalization: Those who transfers as a part of rationalisation they will be entitled with 10 points.

9. Long-standing teachers: No points will be given for long-standing teachers (8 years).

10. Transferred Teachers: Those who transferred in 2013 but not joined in opted place if their post is shown as a surplus post in rationalization such teachers will be given extra 5 points, the others can join in their opted place after rationalization.

11. Teacher Awardees: Teachers who win national award gets 15 points, state-level award gets 10 points.

12. SSC Results: Teachers get below pts through their results in SSC exams.
a) 2.5 points – 100% result
b) 2 points – 95% – 99% result
c) 1 points – 90% – 94% result

13. Resource persons: Points to resource persons
State-level R.P – 5 points
District level R.P – 4 points
Mandal level R.P – 2 points

14) Priority to teachers: Priority in counseling will be given to the teachers suffers who with 70% of disability, widows, woman who divorced, who suffers from chronic diseases, mentally disable.
Blood cancer, jarinal diabetes children’s parents.
Note: a) H.M can avail this once for 5 years. b) Teachers can avail of this once for 8 years.

15) For the Service rendered: 0.041 point for every one month of the completed service in the total service in all categories as on 1st July of the current year transfers:
Service Points in all categories:
– 0.041 points per month.
– 0.492 points per year

  1. How to know your school category?​

    The Habitations / Towns shall be classified into the following categories namely: (i) Category I: All Habitations / Towns where 20% and above HRA is admissible. (ii) Category II: All Habitations / Towns where 14.5% HRA is admissible. (iii) Category III: All Habitations / Towns where 12% HRA is admissible. (iv) Category IV: All Habitations / Towns where 12 % HRA is admissible , and which do not have connectivity through an all weather road as per the norms of the Panchayath Raj ( Engineering) Department.

  2. Where to get the list of habitations?​

    The District Collector shall publish the list of habitations in the district which do not have connectivity through all weather road as per the norms of Panchayath Raj ( Engineering ) Department in consultation with the Superintendent Engineer, P.R. of the district for this purpose, and the same shall be final.
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