Engaging Students with Dream Girl: A Powerful Tool for Fostering Gender Equality and Inclusivity


Dream Girl, a Bollywood film released in 2019, is an entertaining yet important movie that showcases a larger narrative about gender equality and inclusivity. The film can serve as an educational tool for students to understand the importance of breaking free from stereotypes and promoting social justice. This article discusses various ways educators can engage students in learning about the Dream Girl movie.

1. Watch the movie as a class

Organize a class screening of Dream Girl, ensuring that students are aware of its objective. Provide background information on the film’s storyline, characters, and themes before watching. After the screening, lead a discussion to hear students’ thoughts and opinions on how gender stereotypes are depicted in the movie.

2. Analyze key scenes

Select a few critical scenes from the movie to discuss with your students. These scenes should highlight stereotypes and challenge gender roles while exploring inclusivity. Encourage students to compare these scenes with their own experiences or other films they have seen that portray similar themes.

3. Organize a debate-style discussion

To encourage critical thinking, organize a debate-style discussion asking whether or not Dream Girl has effectively promoted gender equality and inclusivity through its storytelling. Divide your students into two groups representing opposing viewpoints, and provide them with research materials to help develop their arguments. Ensure that both sides present well-reasoned arguments, as well as recognizing the merits of opposing thoughts.

4. Creative writing assignment

Ask your students to write a short essay or script inspired by Dream Girl’s themes of breaking stereotypes and promoting inclusivity. They can reimagine existing characters or introduce new ones representing different social backgrounds, cultures, or ethnicities to tell their unique story.

5. Role-playing activities

Create role-playing scenarios where students can act out scenarios similar to those in Dream Girl. These scenarios could include dealing with workplace gender bias, challenging family expectations, or addressing media portrayal of stereotypes. This exercise can help students gain empathy toward people affected by these issues and understand the impact of stereotypes on individuals’ lives.

6. Explore similar films and literature

Introduce your students to other movies and books that highlight gender equality and inclusivity themes. By examining different pieces of media, they can develop a deeper understanding of the topic and bust gender stereotypes more effectively.


Dream Girl is an entertaining film with an essential message about breaking gender stereotypes and promoting inclusivity. By using the suggested activities in this article, teachers can turn the movie into an engaging learning experience for students, helping them appreciate and understand the importance of social justice and equality in today’s world.

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