Eco-Sensitive Zones Get Infrastructure Boost from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change


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Eco-sensitive Zones around Protected Areas i.e. National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries are declared based on the proposals submitted by the State Governments and in conformity with the ‘Guidelines for declaration of Eco-sensitive Zone (ESZ) issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on 09th February, 2011. The purpose of declaring ESZ is to create some kind of “Shock Absorber” for the specialized Ecosystem, such as Protected Areas or other natural sites and is meant to act as a transition zone from areas of high protection to areas involving lesser protection. ESZs are of regulatory nature rather than prohibitive nature, unless or otherwise so specified in the notification as may be required. Declaration of Eco-sensitive Zones does not entail any prohibition to the vocation of the local community residing within the ESZs, including agricultural activities, house constructions etc.

The ESZ notifications mandate preparation of a Zonal Master Plan by the respective state governments within two years of publication of Notification. This plan is drawn up with the aim of regulating the development within the Eco-sensitive Zone (ESZ) and for ensuring compliance of the provisions of the Notification. Additionally, the Zonal Master Plan also mandates incorporating the Tourism Master Plan and Heritage sites listing either man-made or natural structures located within the ESZ, facilitating the tourism activities in a sustainable manner for supporting the livelihood security of the local communities while striking a balance between conservation and sustainable development.
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