Dollar Store Science: 10 Easy Experiments You Can Try Right Now



Science doesn’t have to be expensive. With just a few simple items from your local dollar store, you can perform exciting hands-on experiments that will spark curiosity and a love for learning. Here are 10 easy experiments you can try right now with minimal investment.

1. Colorful Crystals

Epsom salt, jars, food coloring, and pipe cleaners

Instructions: Dissolve Epsom salt in hot water, add some food coloring, and place a pipe cleaner shaped into an interesting design into the jar. Leave it undisturbed and watch as colorful crystals form around the pipe cleaner.

2. Homemade Slime

Cornstarch, water, food coloring

Instructions: Mix cornstarch and water in a bowl, add food coloring for fun colors, and experiment with the consistency of your slime by adding more or less water.

3. Tornado in a Bottle

Two empty plastic bottles, water, glitter (optional), duct tape

Instructions: Fill one bottle about halfway with water, add some glitter if desired, then securely tape the two bottles together at their openings. Flip the contraption upside down to create a tornado effect.

4. Invisible Ink

Lemon juice, cotton swabs or Q-tips, white paper, and a light bulb

Instructions: Write secret messages using lemon juice on white paper. Use a cotton swab to make the writing process easier. Once dry, hold the paper close to a light bulb to reveal the hidden message.

5. Lava Lamp Experiment

Empty plastic bottle, vegetable oil, water, food coloring, Alka-Seltzer tablets

Instructions: Fill the bottle halfway with oil and add water until it’s almost full. Add several drops of food coloring and drop in an Alka-Seltzer tablet to witness the lava lamp effect.

6. Grow Your Own Bean Plant

Dry beans, paper towels, plastic zip-top bags, water

Instructions: Wet a paper towel, wring out excess water, and fold it into the bag. Add a few beans and seal the bag. Place the bean-bag setup near a window with sunlight and watch your beans sprout over time.

7. Eggshell Geode

Clean, empty eggshells, water, alum powder (in the spice aisle), and food coloring

Instructions: Boil the eggshells in alum powder solution with some food coloring added. Let it sit overnight and enjoy your homemade geodes the next day.

8. Balloon Rocket

Balloons, string or fishing line, tape, straws

Instructions: Thread a straw onto a piece of string and secure each end of the string across a room. Blow up a balloon without tying it off, then tape it to the straw. Let go of the balloon and watch it rocket across the string.

9. Oobleck

Cornstarch, water

Instructions: Mix equal parts cornstarch and water in a bowl to create oobleck – an unusual substance that acts like both a liquid and a solid.

10. Surface Tension Experiment

Bowl of water, black pepper or cinnamon, dish soap or hand soap.

Instructions: Sprinkle pepper or cinnamon on top of a bowl of water. Dip your finger coated in soap gently into the center of the bowl to observe surface tension at work.


These easy-to-do experiments can teach kids (and adults) about science without breaking the bank. Grab these inexpensive items from your local dollar store and get experimenting today!

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