‘Emi Sethura Linga’, a slice-of-life romantic coming-of-age drama, has been streaming on Aha Video since May 19. Starring Vinod Varma in the role of a corporate employee named Bhanu Prakash and Gnaneswari Kandregula as a free-spirited woman named Swecha, the web film is directed by debutant K Sandeep. The new director in the town has been lauded for giving a realistic and organic treatment.
As someone with no film background, Sandeep was equipped only with a passion for the craft. “Somehow, right from childhood, I have been passionate about cinema. It was more than interest. I had to do my Engineering and Masters in Remote Sensing and GIS for the sake of possessing an academic qualification. My eventual aim was to get into the film industry. I made a short film while in Thailand and that was my only experience at directing something prior to making ‘Emi Sethura Linga,” Sandeep says.
In the process, Sandeep has discovered his strengths and weaknesses. “Knowing what to do and not to do has been my biggest learning. The filmmaking journey was very tough. If you have enough resources, you can shoot a film without much struggle. But getting a release and marketing it is the hardest job. Even harder is taking your film to the audience, in the sense of letting them know that you have made so-and-so film,” ponders Sandeep.
The film is produced by Sandeep and Murali Krishna. Abhiraj Nair and Jen Martin are its cinematographer and music director, respectively. Resul Pookutty, the Academy Award winner, has done the sound design.
As someone with no film background, Sandeep was equipped only with a passion for the craft. “Somehow, right from childhood, I have been passionate about cinema. It was more than interest. I had to do my Engineering and Masters in Remote Sensing and GIS for the sake of possessing an academic qualification. My eventual aim was to get into the film industry. I made a short film while in Thailand and that was my only experience at directing something prior to making ‘Emi Sethura Linga,” Sandeep says.
In the process, Sandeep has discovered his strengths and weaknesses. “Knowing what to do and not to do has been my biggest learning. The filmmaking journey was very tough. If you have enough resources, you can shoot a film without much struggle. But getting a release and marketing it is the hardest job. Even harder is taking your film to the audience, in the sense of letting them know that you have made so-and-so film,” ponders Sandeep.
The film is produced by Sandeep and Murali Krishna. Abhiraj Nair and Jen Martin are its cinematographer and music director, respectively. Resul Pookutty, the Academy Award winner, has done the sound design.